Recent Press Releases

‘This is precisely the kind of approach we should be taking in the Senate — putting aside the giant, partisan bills that Democrats know Republicans won’t support, and focusing on smaller proposals that can actually garner the support of everybody and make it onto the President’s desk for a signature. These are small steps, but they’re progress. Let’s keep at it.’
‘So it’s not Republicans who are tying the President’s hands in prosecuting the war on terror. He did that himself with the short-sighted executive orders he signed during his first days in office. As our country withdraws from Iraq, and transitions further responsibilities to the Afghan security forces in Afghanistan, we will still need a place to send foreign fighters like Warsame and Daduq. That place is the military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.’
'I was just listening to my friend the Majority Leader talking about the measure before us, something we support and look forward to passing. It's been championed by Senator Scott brown of Massachusetts. It would help contractors who do business with the government. And I was also glad to see that the veterans bill, which contains many provisions supported by Republicans, will be the first amendment. So maybe we're making some progress here. This is just the kind of thing we’ve been calling for. This is just the kind of thing we should be doing more of around here. There’s a lot we can agree on when it comes to jobs legislation. That’s where the focus should actually be.’