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Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding Senate Democrats’ plan to permanently extend the debt ceiling:

“Politicians regularly come to Washington promising fiscal responsibility. But too often, they can’t agree to cut spending when it counts.

“That’s why the Budget Control Act is such a big deal. Since Congress passed the BCA with overwhelming bipartisan majorities in 2011, Washington has actually reduced the level of government spending for two years running. That’s the first time this has happened since the Korean War.
“The BCA savings are such a big deal, in fact, that the President campaigned on it endlessly in 2012. He bragged about the bipartisan cuts in Colorado and Iowa. He trumpeted the reductions from coast to coast, telling audiences from California to Baltimore that he, quote, ‘signed $2 trillion of spending cuts into law.’
“As our Democrat friends like to say these days, elections matter. And the President explicitly staked his re-election on the back of these bipartisan cuts.
“I mean, just look at the exit polls from November. A majority of Americans said that government was doing too much. About two-thirds said raising taxes to cut the deficit was a non-starter. And compared to Obamacare, which more voters actually said they wanted to repeal, these levels of support are striking.

“So if our friends on the other side want to keep trying to claim an electoral mandate for retaining Obamacare – contradicted by the facts as they might be – well, using their own logic, we’d then have to call the mandate for reducing the size of government a ‘super mandate.’
“That’s why their new plan to undo the cuts the President campaigned on and increase the debt is so outrageous.
“We hear that the Senior Senator from New York will soon announce a proposal to give the President permanent power to borrow more.
“In other words, he wants to extend the debt ceiling permanently by going around Congress. Let me repeat that: the so-called ‘Schumer-Obama Plan’ is a plan to permanently hand the President a credit card without spending limits, and without lifting a finger to address the national debt.
“It’s outrageous.
“Especially when you consider that our debt is now about $17 trillion, which makes us look a lot like a European country. We have to get our debt under control before we move any further down the road to Greece and Spain. And time is not on our side.
“Now, I hear that the Senator from New York is going to try and sell his proposal as a quote-unquote ‘McConnell Plan.’ I appreciate the attempt at a PR gimmick here, but there are two huge differences between the ‘Schumer-Obama Plan’ and what I’ve proposed in the past.
“First, ‘Schumer-Obama’ would raise the debt ceiling permanently. I reject that idea entirely.

“And second, unlike ‘Schumer-Obama,’ I believe that increases in the debt ceiling should be accompanied by reforms. That’s just what we did in 2011, when Congress raised the debt ceiling in return for enacting $2 trillion in bipartisan spending control – the spending control the President campaigned on endlessly.
“That’s the real ‘McConnell Plan.’ And if the Senator from New York is interested in working with me to enact another $2 trillion in bipartisan cuts, then let’s get down to brass tacks. The American people would love to see us working in a bipartisan way to help them.

“But if he insists on pushing this ‘Schumer-Obama Plan,’ he’s not going to find any dance partners on this side of the aisle.

“Because handing the President a permanent blank check, increasing the size of government, and trying to overturn the most significant bipartisan accomplishment of the Obama years – well, that’s just a non-starter.
“Our debt is a serious problem. I know Kentuckians think so. Like Americans all across the country, they understand it’s completely unsustainable over the long run – and they understand it’s standing in the way of jobs and economic growth today.
“So let’s shelve the gimmicks and the blank checks and get to work on more bipartisan plans to get spending under control.
“That’s what our constituents expect.”

‘More than a Website’

October 29, 2013

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the broken promises of Obamacare:

“I think, at this point, Senators from both parties can agree: is a rolling disaster.

“Every day seems to bring more near-comic calamity.

“We hear about visitors being told things like their wife is really their daughter. Or that they have multiple spouses. Or that they’re unable to apply ‘due to current incarceration.’

“Unsurprisingly, just 12 percent of Americans think the rollout has gone well.

“That’s less than the 14 percent of Americans who believe in Bigfoot.

“Those who’ve succeeded in actually enrolling in a plan are vastly outnumbered by those who’ve lost plans.

“And the real tragedy here is that many who’ve succeeded are finding out the product is worse than the web site.

“I mean, the only thing this web site seems to be good at right now is creating punch lines for late-night comedians.

“It’s almost like Americans are being forced to live through a real-life SNL sketch. And, if you caught last week’s opener, well… it’s getting harder to tell the Obamacare headlines from the Obamacare punchlines these days.

“Paper applications…800 numbers…applying by fax…Obamacare appears to be leading us boldly into the 1980s.

“Remember, before this thing launched, the Administration swore up and down that Obamacare was ready to go.

“Democrat leaders in Congress told Americans that the law’s implementation was fabulous, that Obamacare was wonderful. The President reassured everyone that it was working the way it’s supposed to.

“And, of course, Washington Democrats bragged about their fancy new website. The website that cost taxpayers $100 million…$200 million…$300 million…well, no one’s quite sure. That’s just one of the unanswered questions we hope they’ll clarify soon.

“Now, to be fair, the President likes to say that Obamacare is about more than just a website.

“He’s absolutely right. And that’s why fixing a website won’t solve the larger problem here.

“The larger problem is Obamacare itself.

“The larger problem is what the few people who actually have signed up for coverage have discovered about this law.

“The larger problem is how Obamacare is hurting people out there.

“…It’s about college graduates and middle-class families getting hit with massive premium increases they can’t afford.

“…It’s about workers seeing their hours cut and their paychecks shrink because of this law.

“…It’s about the millions of Americans who will lose their current health coverage because of Obamacare—despite the President’s promises.

“According to news reports, the Obama Administration knew for at least three years that millions of Americans would not be able to keep their health coverage. The President’s Press Secretary basically admitted yesterday that Americans would lose coverage too.

“Remember, this is the same President who said – and I’m quoting – ‘If you like your health-care plan, you'll be able to keep your health-care plan, period…No one will take it away, no matter what.’

“This is just one of the many reasons Americans feel betrayed.

“One woman quoted in the Los Angeles Times put it this way: ‘All we’ve been hearing for the last three years is if you like your policy you can keep it…[well] I’m infuriated because I was lied to.’

“And here’s how one North Carolinian put it to NBC News: ‘Everybody's worried about whether the website works or not, but that's fixable. That's just the tip of the iceberg. This stuff isn't fixable.’ That was after he lost a $228 a month plan and was faced with the choice of taking comparable plan for $1,208 or the best option he could find on the exchanges – one for $948 a month. ‘I'm sitting here looking at this, thinking we ought to just pay the fine and just get insurance when we're sick,’ he said.

“Americans up and down the country are beginning to experience the costs of Obamacare firsthand – and they’re realizing that they’re the ones stuck with the bill. 

“It’s not fair. It’s not right. And Republicans are going to keep fighting to get our constituents relief from this partisan law.

“Of course, the most logical course would be to simply stop this trainwreck and start over. But Washington Democrats still appear more interested in protecting the President’s namesake legacy than protecting their constituents from this law.

“I hope that will change, because we can’t move forward without them.

“We’ve seen some signs that some Democrats are coming around – slowly, slowly, much more slowly than we’d like.

“And I’m happy to engage in discussions to see where we might find common ground. Hopefully we’ll eventually get to the increasingly obvious endgame here: repeal, followed by true bipartisan health care reform.

“So look: It may be universally accepted that is a disaster, but – as the President reminds us – that disaster does not exist in a vacuum. The failure of the Obamacare website is emblematic of the larger failure of Obamacare…and of the kind of problems we can expect if Washington Democrats continue their stubborn defense of this partisan law.”

McConnell Calls on TVA to Keep Paradise Coal-Fired Plant Open

Meets with TVA President William Johnson; sends letter to TVA calling on the facility to remain open

October 25, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell met with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) President and CEO William Johnson to urge TVA to maintain its current operations at the Paradise Fossil Plant, a coal-fired facility in Drakesboro, Kentucky.  During the Wednesday meeting, Senator McConnell said that with the upcoming retirement of Kentucky Utilities’ Green River plant in 2016, coupled with a potential closure of Paradise, Muhlenberg County “just can’t take any more hits.”  Johnson responded that many factors have contributed to the TVA’s decision to review the future of the Paradise, citing one reason as the current regulatory environment. Johnson said he would take McConnell’s concerns into account while making any decisions with regards to the Paradise plant. 

Sen. McConnell and TVA President/CEO William Johnson discuss Paradise plant

Following the meeting, Senator McConnell also decided to send a letter (attached) to Johnson reiterating his concerns and calling on TVA to keep the facility open. Joining Senator McConnell on the letter were Senator Rand Paul, Congressman Ed Whitfield, Congressman Hal Rogers, Congressman Brett Guthrie, Congressman Andy Barr and Congressman Thomas Massie.

In the letter they wrote, “It has been brought to our attention that the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is weighing several options that would alter future electricity generation at its Paradise Fossil Plant… As supporters of Kentucky coal and coal utilization, we urge the TVA to maintain its current operations at Paradise with the continued use of coal for electricity generation.”

“We are well aware of the pressure that public utilities face from the Obama Administration to transition from using coal to alternative sources of energy.  However, we would like to remind the TVA of the importance of maintaining an all-inclusive energy portfolio.  To allow a historically abundant and proven resource, such as coal, to fall by the wayside would ultimately threaten our energy independence. Accordingly, we request the TVA maintain existing coal-fired operations—that utilize Kentucky-produced coal stocks—as your agency considers alternative sources in conjunction with coal for electricity generation,” they added.

Click HERE for the text of the letter.