Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday regarding the vote later today to repeal the health spending law’s onerous 1099 provision:

“As I’ve traveled across Kentucky over the past year, I’ve heard from countless small business owners who told me how burdensome the so-called 1099 provision in the Democrats’ health care bill would be to implement and how it could hamper their ability to create good private-sector jobs. I hope they’re tuning into the Senate floor today, so they can watch the vote on its repeal.

“This has been a hard-fought effort — and all the credit should go to the Junior Senator from Nebraska, my good friend Senator Johanns. He has led this fight on behalf of the countless entrepreneurs and small business owners across the country who raised the alarm on this issue.

“So this is a big win for small businesses. Importantly, it’s also the first of what I hope are many successful repeal votes related to the disastrous health spending bill Democrats passed last year. The more Americans learn about this bill, the less they like it. We hope we can respond to their concerns with many repeal votes like this here in Congress. Then we can replace it with the kind of common sense reforms that will actually lower costs and encourage job creation.

“Once again, I want to thank Senator Johanns for his leadership and hard work on repealing this onerous provision. This is a classic example of a senator who listened to his constituents, developed a solution, won the support of his colleagues, and doggedly pursued a course of action that led to today’s vote. America’s small businesses can thank Sen. Johanns for pushing this initiative across the finish line, and I call on the President to sign it into law.” 
