Recent Press Releases

‘The election is over, but the economic and fiscal problems of the past several years have only gotten worse. It’s time for the President to present a plan that rises above these reckless and radical voices on the hard-Left, that goes beyond the talking points of the campaign trail, and that has a realistic chance of passing the Congress. The time for campaigning is over. It’s time for the President to lead.’
‘Let’s be clear: the rules change that’s being proposed is not an affront to me or to the Republican Party. It’s an affront to the American people. It’s an affront to the people who sent me and the other 46 Republicans here to represent them in the Senate, but whose voices would be shut out if the Majority Leader and this cohort of short-sighted senate sophomores have their way and permanently change this body. At the moment, Republicans represent the voters of 31 states, representing a total population of more than 180 million Americans. Shutting off our right to express the views of our constituents, as is being proposed, would effectively shut these people out of the process.’