Rep. Maloney statement on Iran nuclear agreement

Jul 16, 2015
Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) today released the following statement in reaction to the proposed P5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran:

“Iran has unquestionably been a dangerous actor in the region and around the world, and it would be even more dangerous if it were to gain a nuclear weapon. That is why President Obama and the international community have worked so hard to find a diplomatic solution to end Iran’s nuclear program. The agreement reached by the P5+1 is complicated and must now be carefully scrutinized.

“Earlier this year I voted to give Congress 60 days to review this agreement, and I intend to use that time to study every detail and consult with a range of experts who can offer insights as to how this deal will affect the safety and security of the American people, the people of Israel and of the world.

“Nuclear proliferation is perhaps the greatest threat to humanity. Given the stakes, thoughtful consideration and debate are essential.”