Updates for NY-12 as We Conclude the 114th Congress

Dec 13, 2016

Dear Friend,

With the work the 114th Congress completed, I wanted to take the time to highlight some recent news in Congress and back home in New York.

Last month, after 18 months of hard work, the American Museum of Women's History Congressional Commission presented its final report to Congress and the President. The Commission, made up of four Republican and four Democratic women, strongly recommends creating a new Smithsonian museum on the National Mall dedicated to telling the many stories of women’s contributions to our nation. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but the bipartisan Commission’s recommendations will help guide the way to making the American Museum of Women’s History a wonderful reality! I will be taking their recommendations into account as we begin to draft a bill.

More recently, the House passed the Justice for All Reauthorization Act of 2016 and the 21st Century Cures Act – two vital pieces of legislation that will, respectively, continue the work of the Debbie Smith Act, which provides federal funding to process untested rape kits, and continue our country’s commitment to modernizing and strengthening healthcare and medical research.

Congress also passed a spending bill to fund the federal government through the end of April. Unfortunately, despite the efforts of myself and my colleagues from New York, this spending bill included just $7 million, out of the requested $35 million, to repay the city for costs incurred to protect the President-elect and his family from Election Day to Inauguration Day. We may still have to contend the inconvenience of ‘Trump traffic’ and the costs to local businesses of fewer shoppers willing to venture onto protected streets, but our out-of-pocket costs should be covered.  I will continue to press my colleagues to reimburse the city the rest that we are owed in the next spending bill. It is simply not fair to stick New Yorkers with the bill for this national security priority.

In the meantime, back in New York, we’ve had some great progress on important local priorities.

In Brooklyn, we will soon have our park! Just before Thanksgiving, the city finally reached a deal to acquire the last remaining 11 acres of land needed to complete Bushwick Inlet Park. The city had made a commitment to Northern Brooklyn more than a decade ago in exchange for zoning changes, and we could not allow them to renege on this important promise. I’m so proud to have worked so closely with my colleagues in government and the community, including joining a "sleep-in” with residents, to make sure the city acquired all of the land promised to us.

Queensbridge Houses, North America’s largest housing development, now has new weather-resistant roofs that will enhance the quality of life for the development’s more than 6,500 residents. I was proud to help bring $27 million in federal funding to this project that will ensure that there will be fewer leaks throughout Queensbridge, which will help to prevent mold and physical damage to the residences.

And in Manhattan, the first phase of the Second Avenue Subway is nearly complete and the MTA has filed the paperwork with the Federal Transit Administration to begin the process of seeking federal funding for Phase 2! I recently spoke to MTA Chairman Tom Pendergast about this incredibly important project and made clear that I will do everything I can to make sure the federal government continues to do its part to support the next phases of the Second Avenue Subway.

As always, your concerns for New York and for our nation remain my top priority; please visit my website to let me know what is on your mind.


Carolyn B. Maloney

Member of Congress

The Washington Post: Congressional Panel Calls for New Smithsonian Museum of Women's History

A national museum of women’s history is long overdue. This museum and its exhibits will speak to the world, making it known that our country values women, equality and the significant contributions that American women have made throughout history.

Read the full story here.


Reuters: U.S. Spending Bill Far Short of Sim Sought for Trump NYC Security

The spending bill that will fund the federal government through April 28, 2017 fell woefully short in its responsibility to reimburse New York City for the costs incurred protecting the President-elect and his family. New Yorkers must be reimbursed the full $35 million we are owed for this national security priority.

Get the full story here. 


The New York Times: New York Buys Last Tract for Williamsburg Park for $160 Million

New Yorkers have fought for years to get the full Bushwick Inlet Park that we were promised in exchange for accepting an influx of new residential construction.  Our success means that Northern Brooklyn will be a better place to live..

Get more information about the land deal and the park to come here.


QNS: Queensbridge Houses Rooftops Repaired and Modernized as $87M Project is Completed

With $27 million in federal funds, this project will have an immediate impact on the quality of life for Queensbridge Houses’ more than 6,500 residents. By replacing the roofs, there will be fewer leaks throughout the development, which will help to prevent mold and physical damage to the residences.  It is wonderful that NYCHA was able to complete the work six months ahead of schedule, which will make for a much more comfortable winter.

Read more here.



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