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Washington, D.C.– U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Thursday regarding the need for the Senate to pass the bipartisan JOBS Act:

“Later today, the Senate will take up and attempt to pass the JOBS Act. 

“And so we find ourselves, once again, on the cusp of passing a bipartisan jobs package that will make it easier for entrepreneurs and innovators to get the capital they need to build businesses and create jobs.

“As I said yesterday, this bill had overwhelming bipartisan support in the House. Nearly 400 members voted for it. And the President himself says that it will create jobs, that he supports it, and would sign it into law.

“Yet for some reason, some in the Democrat-controlled Senate still seem intent on slowing it down. And others want to essentially take a step backwards and undermine a critical provision sponsored by Senators Toomey, Carper, and Hutchison included in the House bill and that was just this week endorsed by the SEC's Forum on Small Business Capital Formation.

“The Reed amendment could subject thousands of businesses to SEC regulation unnecessarily, and the Senate should reject it.

“So once again I ask them to reconsider. Let’s put politics aside and pocket this bipartisan jobs bill.

“The JOBS Act is a great example of the type of legislation we should all be able to agree on. And there’s no reason for delay. Let’s get this done. Let’s get it to the President’s desk — and have him sign it into law.”