Congressman Scott Peters

Representing the 52nd District of California

Rep. Peters Proposes ‘60 Day Rule’ to Break Gridlock in Congress

Jan 10, 2017
Press Release
Bill is part of Rep. Peters’ Fix Congress Now plan

Today, U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) introduced the 60 Day Rule Act, a bipartisan bill that would change the rules of the House of Representatives to break gridlock and make Congress more productive. The proposal would require any bill approved by a House committee to be voted on by the entire House of Representatives within 60 days of it passing committee. Currently, Congressional leadership has full discretion on which bills to advance to the House floor and which to block.

“It shouldn’t be up to just a handful of Congressional leaders to decide which bills are worthy of consideration. Any bill that is good enough to get passed by a bipartisan committee deserves to get a vote in the House,” said Rep. Scott Peters. “Too often, innovative ideas that might help create jobs or expand opportunity languish on the Speaker’s desk because he doesn’t want to create a tough vote for his members. Well tough votes are part of the job; it’s time to get Congress moving again.”

The bill is part of Rep. Peters’ government reform plan Fix Congress Now, which also includes proposals to reduce perks and government waste, ensure high ethical standards, and increase transparency. Co-sponsors of Rep. Peters’ bipartisan 60 Day Rule Act include Reps. Tom Marino (PA-10) and Derek Kilmer (WA-6).

“Too often, quality bills pass committee, but then with little explanation or reason, never make it to the House floor,” added Rep. Tom Marino (PA-10), an original co-sponsor of the bill. “We cannot continue to let common sense legislation fall through the cracks as our economy and the American people suffer. This legislation ensures government operates as it should and that each bill has an opportunity to come before the people’s representatives in Congress. It is well past time to put Washington back to work for the American people. This bill is an important first step in that direction.”