Recent Press Releases

‘We cannot fight the War on Terror with one arm tied behind our back’

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement regarding Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell’s request for legislative action to modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) before Congress adjourns for the August recess:

“There is widespread agreement that we must continue to remain vigilant and do whatever possible within the scope of the law in order to continue to protect our country from terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, the Director of National Intelligence identified significant failings in the law which we must fix in order to ensure our intelligence gathering capabilities remain strong.

“Congress should resolve these archaic restrictions before adjourning in August. The least we can do is provide the stop-gap measures recommended by the DNI to allow for continued monitoring of terrorist activities abroad. We cannot fight the War on Terror with one arm tied behind our back.

“Failure to provide for this critical ability before leaving on recess will only provide al Qaeda an extra month without our nation being able to fully connect the dots and monitor our enemies as they plan attacks on the homeland. We must pass this limited reform now, not in September, not after it’s too late.”


The Director of National Intelligence sent a letter on Friday, July 27th, to Congressional leaders requesting Congressional action to fix loopholes in the Foreign Intelligence Service Act before the August recess. Director Mike McConnell’s request “would make clear that court orders are not necessary to effectively collect foreign intelligence about foreign targets overseas.” This is an interim proposal will give the Intelligence Community the tools to continue to protect the U.S., while simultaneously allowing for a dialogue on how best to permanently address the loopholes in the current law.


‘There’s a lot of good in the current SCHIP law that we should reauthorize. But at the same time, we should also modernize and improve it’

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell delivered the following remarks (as prepared) on the Senate floor Monday regarding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and his alternative, “Kids First.”

“Mr. President, 10 years ago, a Republican-controlled Congress created and passed the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. It targets the health-care needs of poor children whose families make too much to be eligible for Medicaid, but are still in danger of not being able to afford private health insurance.

“In many ways, this program, SCHIP, is a remarkable success. The rate of children in America living without health insurance dropped by 25 percent from 1996 to 2005. Last year, 6.6 million children had health care coverage thanks to SCHIP, including more than 50,000 in Kentucky.

“Those are some astounding numbers. There’s a lot of good in the current SCHIP law that we should reauthorize. But at the same time, we should also modernize and improve it.

“Our goal should be to continue to target those low-income children who fall between the cracks and go without health insurance. And we should seek out those children who are eligible for SCHIP, but currently go without, and bring them into the program.

“Unfortunately, I have serious concerns with the bill that the Finance Committee sent to the floor. I do appreciate all the hard work of the ranking member, Senator Grassley, as well as Senator Hatch, who is one of the original authors of this program. However, the committee’s bill is a dramatic departure from current SCHIP law: It will significantly raise taxes, increase spending, and lead to government-run health insurance.

“Funding for this proposed massive increase in spending relies not just on a massive tax increase, but also on a budgeting gimmick. Their plan will increase SCHIP spending every year for the next five years, with projected spending of $8.4 billion in 2012.

“Then suddenly in 2013, like magic, spending would drop to only $400 million—a decrease of $8 billion in one year. That’s not because the funds won’t be needed—rather, it’s a sleight of hand needed to fit the program within the bill’s funding limits.

“But does anyone seriously think Congress will decide to cut SCHIP by $8 billion in one year, so that millions who rely on it will lose their health insurance? Of course not. Future congresses will go back and spend more, and this proposal will end up costing exponentially more than its current price tag.

“Under this scenario, the Congressional Budget Office estimates the total cost of this bill over the period from 2008 to 2017 is actually $112 billion—$41 billion more than the advertised price.

“And most of this increase will go toward people that SCHIP was never meant to cover.

“The expansion proposal we are considering here on the floor will allow SCHIP coverage to extend to families with incomes as high as 400 percent of the federal poverty level—even though 89 percent of children in families with incomes as high as 300 to 400 percent of the federal poverty level already have private coverage.

“The bill also includes a tax increase, when the American people are already taxed too much. So I hope we will have a free, open debate on this bill, and every Senator will be allowed to offer ideas to improve it.

“Senators Lott, Kyl, Gregg, Bunning and I will propose an alternative measure called the Kids First Act. It refocuses SCHIP to help the people it was designed to help: low-income children.

“While considerably less expensive to the taxpayers than the Finance Committee’s bill, it’s worth noting, Mr. President, that many states, including Kentucky, would fare better next year under the Kids First Act than under the committee bill.

“Our plan is fiscally responsible and focuses government assistance on those who really need it. I urge all of my colleagues to seriously consider it.

“Many Senators have also worked exceedingly hard to craft comprehensive measures addressing the uninsured in America. I applaud their efforts, and look forward to having a full and open debate on the Senate floor about their ideas.

“I especially want to recognize Senators Burr, Coburn, Corker, DeMint and Martinez for their work in this regard.

“Mr. President, as we begin to consider SCHIP legislation, this Senate should focus on reauthorizing a program that works, instead of transforming it into a license for higher taxes, higher spending, and another giant leap toward government-run health care.

“Legislation like that will not receive a presidential signature. But this Senate can craft something that will. Let’s work toward that and produce a bill that focuses on the true goals of SCHIP—providing a safety net for kids in low-income families.

“Mr. President, I also have here an editorial from today’s Wall Street Journal that describes many of the problems with the committee’s bill I just detailed. I ask permission to include it in the record.”


‘It’s possible that if we work together, like we did this time, we can still make good progress’

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Thursday regarding passage of H.R. 2638, The Homeland Security Appropriations Bill. The bill, the first passed by the Senate this year, passed by a vote of 89-4:

“Today marks an important milestone for this Congress. It seems that after spending the first half of the year staging political show-votes and investigations, our friends on the other side have woken up to the fact they only had two things to show for it: an angrier base and a long to-do list. In the fog of battle they forgot that getting things done in the Senate takes cooperation.

“We’ve cooperated on this bill. And it’s a lot better for it. I’m extremely pleased the majority ultimately accepted Sen. Graham’s border security amendment. We got the message last month: border security first. And now, thanks to this effort, we’ll be delivering a $3 billion downpayment on a stronger border.

“I also appreciate Senator Cornyn’s insistence that interior enforcement be a part of that funding. To us it’s pretty simple: there is no homeland security without border security. We’ll continue to push this idea on the floor of the Senate in the coming weeks and months. Today is just the beginning.

“A lesson we can learn from the last six months is that there’s a cost to everything. And the cost of putting off legislating in favor of around-the-clock politics is that there isn’t much to show for it in the end.

“It’s been my view all along that we should have been working on appropriations bills all summer. Here we are almost in August and we’ve only passed one. So we’re looking at a potential train wreck in September. But it’s possible that if we work together, like we did this time, we can still make good progress. And I hope we do.

“A brief word about cloture. Look: anybody who’s been in the Senate for more than a week will tell you -- if they’re being honest -- that 40 or so cloture votes in six months isn’t a sign of minority obstruction; it’s a sign of a majority that doesn’t like the rules. The cloture club shouldn’t be the first option. It should be the last. Hopefully today’s vote is also a sign that we’re moving away from cloture as a first resort.

“I hope the majority will follow through on a pledge that the Senior Senator from Illinois made on the first day of the session. He said the American people put Democrats in the majority ‘to find solutions, not to play to a draw with nothing to show for it.’ Very well said.

“My Republican colleagues hope we can operate this way. I think it will be the best way to operate in the fall if we actually intend legislate.”
