Recent Press Releases

Today, the Obama Administration, which has already nationalized health care, the auto industry, insurance companies, banks and student loans, will move forward with what could be a first step in controlling how Americans use the Internet by establishing federal regulations on its use.

A Flawed, Mishandled Treaty

December 20, 2010

`It is unfortunate that something as important as the Senate’s consideration of a treaty like this one was truncated in order to meet another arbitrary deadline or the wish list of the liberal base. Americans have had more than enough of artificial timelines set by politicians eager for attention. They want us to focus on their concerns, not ours, and never more so than on matters of National Security.’

I am going to recommend that my colleagues heed the advice of my friend from Nevada, which he gave a few years ago, and not vote to shut down the debate and amendment process for these bills at least until the Minority is allowed to offer, debate and vote on a limited number of amendments.