Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell joined Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) in introducing the “Returned Exclusively For Unpaid National Debt Act” (REFUND Act), which allows states to identify and return unwanted federal funds to the Treasury to help pay down our deficits and debt.

“I am proud to join my friend, Senator Rubio, in his effort to give states more flexibility and incentive to return federal dollars to the U.S. Treasury. We must continue to look for fiscally responsible ways to rein in Washington’s spending addiction and reduce our national debt in order to give our children and grandchildren a more secure future,” Sen. McConnell said. “I have heard from people all across Kentucky, from Paducah to Pikeville, who want the federal government to get spending under control and revive this economy. I believe this legislation will help us take the necessary steps to dramatically reduce wasteful spending.”

Senator McConnell has returned funds to the Treasury every year he’s been in office. The REFUND Act is endorsed by the National Taxpayers Union and the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste.