Manufacturing has significant impact on economy, residents of the Second District

Oct 14, 2016 Issues: Federal Regulations, Job Creation

National Manufacturing Day was this past week, making this a great time to highlight the strong manufacturing presence in our state and district. From automotive and aerospace to metals and medical, Alabama manufacturers are an economic engine for this state.
By the numbers, Alabama is home to more than 5,200 manufacturing, assembly, and processing facilities, employing more than 300,000 people and accounting for $8 billion in exported products and services. And while those are impressive numbers economically speaking, it is important to remember that every one of those jobs helps someone support their family and make ends meet.
That’s why I have made it a priority in Congress to support the manufacturing industry and the jobs it supports by advancing policies that will keep and grow jobs here in the United States. Specifically, policies affecting trade, taxes, and regulations can particularly affect our manufacturing industry.
Trade with other countries is positive for our state so as long as it is fair trade. We want Alabama products to be sold in growing international markets and ensure America builds its economic advantage globally. With China’s economic emergence, that’s as important as ever, but I don’t want President Obama or the next president to have unilateral trade authority. I believe Congress must retain strict checks and balances as it concerns trade, with a mechanism to shut down bad trade deals that would hard our manufacturing base.
This week I will be visiting the Port of Mobile and meeting with officials from the Alabama State Port Authority to see first hand the work they do to promote our state products worldwide. I’m looking forward to this visit because increasing exports mean mores jobs for Alabamians.
Federal tax policy certainly impacts our manufacturing industry. Pro-growth conservatives have been arguing for years that lowering the United States’ high corporate tax rate would restore American competitiveness and bring back jobs from overseas. Businesses large and small deserve a fairer tax system that facilitates investment and growth.
More fairness and common sense are also needed in our regulatory system. Ask just about any manufacturer, large or small, and they’ll tell you that complying with the labyrinth of federal regulations handed down from myriad agencies is among their biggest challenges. It is time consuming, costly, and growth-inhibitive. I’ve supported several measures to bring more accountability and transparency to the federal regulations process, and I will continue to as your Representative in Congress.
I’m looking forward to visiting some of our manufacturing facilities this week as my state and district travels continue. You can follow along on my Facebook page, Twitter profile, and now Instagram.