

Ukraine, one of the largest countries in Europe with a population of 45 million, is a republic with a semi-presidential political system.  Since its independence in 1991, it has moved towards greater democracy and respect for human rights, although the process has not always been steady.  Since the Euromaidan Revolution of Dignity, which culminated in February 2014, Ukraine has had a reformist, pro-Western government, although much work remains in strengthening the rule of law and combatting corruption.  Russia has been Ukraine’s greatest external threat, especially following the March 2014 illegal annexation of Crimea and aggression in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.  Human rights violations are rife in Crimea and the occupied territories. The Commission has vociferously condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which flagrantly violates all core OSCE principles enshrined in the Helsinki Final Act.

The Commission has a long history of supporting the aspirations of the Ukrainian people for human rights and democracy, even prior to independence when Ukraine, as the largest non-Russian republic in the Soviet Union, was viewed as a particular threat to Moscow’s rule.  Over the decades, the Commission has held numerous hearings, public briefings, and meetings on Ukraine.  The Commission has initiated or been involved in the passage of legislation pertaining to Ukraine, issued numerous statements, reports and media interviews, spoken out about Ukraine at various meetings of the OSCE (including Chairman Sen. Ben Cardin’s 2014 successful OSCE Parliamentary Assembly resolution strongly condemning Russia’s aggression in Ukraine), and led Congressional delegations to Ukraine, including three since Russia’s invasion. The Commission has observed virtually every national election in Ukraine since 1990.

Clear Filters

Natural Resource Charter

60th Anniversary of the Voice of America's Ukrainian Service

Our Impact by Country

Ukraine Lauded for Nixing Hotel Near Babi Yar

2008 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

Ukraine Presidential Hopefuls Fear Election Fraud

More Power to More People: Lessons from West Africa on Resource Transparency

State Department Human Rights Reports

NATO Enlargement and the Bucharest Summit

U.S. Helsinki Commission: Ukraine Needs to Accelerate Reforms

Ukraine: Moving Beyond Stalemate

Ukraine’s Pre-Term Parliamentary Elections and Demonstrable Commitment to Democratic Standards Focus of Commission Initiatives

Remarks by the Hon. Alcee L. Hastings at the Conference on 21st Century Threats to Media Freedom

Introduction of Resolution on Ukraine Political Crisis

15th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence

Parliamentary Perspective of Challenges Facing Today’s Europe

Introduction of Resolution Congratulating the Ukrainian People on the September 30, 2007, Parliamentary Elections

Pipeline Politics: Achieving Energy Security in the OSCE Region

Hastings and Cardin Link U.S. Energy Security to Need for Democracy in Oil-Rich Countries

U.S. Delegation Initiatives Win Wide Approval at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Meetings in Kyiv

Introduction of Ukraine Elections Resolution
