Recent Press Releases

‘So it was surprising to say the least to read this morning that President Obama and Majority Leader Reid are now plotting to block this very legislation — even to the point of forcing a government shutdown — over the inclusion of a job-creating measure that the President thinks will complicate his reelection chances next year.’
‘The President has said that job creation is his top priority. Here’s a bill that helps him achieve it — without a dime of taxpayer money. The President says he wants to extend the payroll tax extension. Here’s a bill that does it. This President says he wants unemployment insurance extended. This bill does that. The President says he wants the two parties to compromise. This is it. There is no reason this legislation shouldn’t have the President’s enthusiastic support.’
‘The reason we are having to deal with these emergency measures like extending the payroll tax holiday another year is the President's policy all put in place in the first years of the administration when he had a completely compliant Congress have completely failed. They ran the debt up 35 percent. Unemployment basically hasn't budged. It’s now at 8.6 percent. So that's the reason we are discussing these kinds of temporary measures.’