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WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the President’s State of the Union last night:

“Last night, the American people heard two very different addresses.

“One was focused on the middle class, and how Washington can work together in a serious way for better jobs, higher wages, and more opportunity. It was a call for constructive cooperation. It was a call for new ideas.
“I commend Senator Ernst for her thoughtful address. She understands the needs of working people in a way those of a particular mindset in Washington don’t. She knows that the middle class is looking for Washington to function again, and that hardworking Americans want D.C. to focus on their needs instead of the demands of powerful special interests. That’s just what they told us in November when they sent this new Republican Congress here on their behalf.
“I was hoping for something similar from President Obama.  Not identical of course. We don’t agree on all the issues, that’s clear enough. But there are enough areas of common ground where we should be able to work together. It would have been most constructive if he’d put the focus of his address there.
“The moment of high purpose called for the leader of the free world to show Americans what could be accomplished through constructive, bipartisan engagement. The State of the Union can be about more than veto threats or strident partisanship.
“We know the president may not be wild about the people’s choice of a Congress. But he owes it to the American people to find a serious way to work with the representatives they elected.
“On some issues, like cybersecurity, he sent positive signals. He also began what I hope will be a sustained effort to move his own party forward — to encourage them to work with us to help create more jobs by breaking down foreign trade barriers and allowing America to sell more of what it makes and grows.

“Those were good signs. But that was only part of the speech. There’s not a lot serious lawmakers can do with talking points designed specifically not to pass.
“Members in both parties would have welcomed serious ideas about how to save and strengthen Medicare, and how to protect Social Security for future generations, and how to balance the budget without tired tax hikes.
“We listened closely for specific details on how he’d work with both parties to achieve comprehensive tax simplification that focuses not on growing government, but creating jobs. The president has expressed some support for ideas like this previously. He should have expanded on it last night.
“There’s still time for him to do it.  But whatever he chooses, the new Congress will continue working to send good ideas to his desk.
“One of those good ideas is a bipartisan infrastructure project the Senate will resume working on today: the Keystone jobs bill.
“It’s heartening to see a real debate and amendment process on the floor of the Senate again. It’s the result of the new spirit of reform that’s being brought to Congress. It aims to give members of both parties a stake in positive solutions, so we can get Washington functioning again on behalf of the American people.
“We’re looking to the president to join us in our positive mission for the middle class. It’s what the American people just voted for. It’s what Senator Ernst articulated so well last night. And if the president is willing to put the veto threats away and the designed-to-fail talking points aside, we can still cooperate to get smart things done for the people we represent.”

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered the following comments regarding President Obama’s State of the Union Address:

Click the image below to view the Senator’s remarks.

U.S. SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH MCCONNELL: “The biggest problem is the President made a speech that made it look like he’s going to run for office again. His time for running is over. His time for governing is here. And in order to accomplish things over the last two years of the Obama Administration, he needs to work with the Republican Congress. Much of what he did tonight, you know, new taxes, new spending is sort of the same old thing that we’ve heard over the last six years. What I had hoped was the President was going to focus on areas of possible agreement. There are a few: trade, tax reform, infrastructure—those are the things we need to be concentrating on and let the next election occur in 2016.”

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the President’s State of the Union tonight:

“Tonight, we’ll welcome President Obama to the Capitol.

“We look forward to hearing what he has to say.

“We're looking forward to Senator Ernst's address too. Joni Ernst understands the concerns of hardworking families in a way much of Washington hasn't. That's why the people of her state sent her here, to fight for them. She'll explain the commitment of this new Congress to work for policies aimed at the good jobs and better wages Americans deserve.


“Tonight is a big moment for the president -- and for our country.

“The tone he strikes, and the issues he highlights, it will tell us a lot about what to expect in his presidency’s final act.

“There's a lot riding on it. We'll be listening closely.

“One option is the path he's been on for so many years.

“I sincerely hope he makes a different choice. The American people just spoke in clear terms about this direction: they called for a new one. We should work together to make Washington focus on their concerns.

“Working with the new Congress for positive change — that’s the second option for President Obama. It’s the one struggling families and serious policymakers urge him to choose.

“The new Congress has already started to take up smart, bipartisan ideas focused on jobs and reform. But when we’ve asked the White House for constructive engagement, what we’ve seen so far has been discouraging.

“We need to change this dynamic. Let's turn the page. The State of the Union offers that opportunity.

“The American people aren’t demanding talking-point proposals designed to excite the base but not designed to pass. What they said they’re hungry for is substance and accomplishment. They want Washington to get back to work and focus on a serious jobs and reform agenda. They said they’re ready to see more constructive cooperation, especially on bipartisan jobs initiatives.

“Bipartisan jobs initiatives like the Keystone infrastructure bill.

“Keystone has support in both parties. It’s an important piece of infrastructure for our country. And, according to what the Obama Administration’s own State Department has said previously, constructing the pipeline would support thousands of jobs.

“It’s already passed the House. We’re currently working to pass it through the Senate.

“It will be on the president’s desk before long. We see no reason for him to veto these jobs.

“But whatever he decides, we’re going to keep working for positive, middle-class jobs ideas here in Congress.

“As I’ve said before, we’re not here to protect the president from a good idea.

“And if the president’s willing to work with us, there’s much we can get accomplished for the American people.

“We’ve already identified several areas of potential cooperation.

“Like tearing down trade barriers in places like Europe and the Pacific. And building jobs with comprehensive, pro-growth tax simplification. And working to prevent cyberattacks.

“On each of these issues, the president has previously sent some positive signals. Now we need his constructive engagement.

“We’ll be looking for signs of that in the speech he delivers.

“What I hope for tonight is that he presents some positive, bipartisan ideas of his own that can pass the Congress Americans just voted for.

“Give us new ideas to prevent Iran from becoming a country with nuclear weapons, or to confront the threats posed by terrorism, or to remove regulations that hurt struggling coal families.

“Challenge us with truly serious, realistic reforms that focus on growth and raising middle-class incomes—reforms that don’t just spend more money we don’t have.

“And, if the president is ready for a new beginning beyond cancelled health plans and partisan executive overreach, work with us to pursue an achievement that history will remember.

“Reach across the aisle to allow us to save and strengthen Medicare. Cooperate with both parties to save Social Security. Tell America your plan for responsible reforms that aim to balance the budget — not just more tired tax hikes.

“Achieving important reforms like these would represent a win for hardworking families. It would deliver the kind of common-sense progress Americans deserve.

“So we welcome the president tonight.

“We look to his address with interest.

“And if the president is ready to ‘play offense,’ then we urge him to join the new Congress in playing offense on behalf of the American people.”