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McConnell Recognizes National School Choice Week

Senator advocates for school choice initiatives in Kentucky

January 29, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell recognized National School Choice Week in the Congressional Record and with an op-ed in Kentucky newspapers.

Senator McConnell wrote that National School Choice Week is an “ideal time to remember that school choice can be an important option for children… Over 10,000 young Kentuckians a year drop out of school, with little likelihood to return and reduced prospects for the future. Dropping out before graduating high school very often subjects kids to added hardship. Studies by the U.S. Census Bureau show that the average high-school dropout earns 42 percent less than a high school graduate without a college degree. And these failures of our school system fall hardest on minority and low-income children. But the big government-educational complex too often cares more about the bricks and mortar of a failing school than the children attending it. Special interests, like those of unions, can outweigh the interests of individual students. We need to provide increased opportunities for families to choose the education environment that best meets the needs of their children. School choice programs do just that—they empower parents.”

The full text follows:

In America, education is one of the keys to success—but too many Kentucky children are trapped in failing schools. This week is National School Choice Week, an ideal time to remember that school choice can be an important option for children living in poverty.

Over 10,000 young Kentuckians a year drop out of school, with little likelihood to return and reduced prospects for the future. Dropping out before graduating high school very often subjects kids to added hardship. Studies by the U.S. Census Bureau show that the average high-school dropout earns 42 percent less than a high school graduate without a college degree. And these failures of our school system fall hardest on minority and low-income children.

But the big government-educational complex too often cares more about the bricks and mortar of a failing school than the children attending it. Special interests, like those of unions, can outweigh the interests of individual students.

We need to provide increased opportunities for families to choose the education environment that best meets the needs of their children. School choice programs do just that—they empower parents.

There are two types of school choice programs. One program provides financial assistance for disadvantaged students to enroll in private schools. The second—charter schools—are public schools that are entrepreneurial and free from many of the constraints of school district bureaucracies. Rather than focusing on red tape, they are singularly focused on academic achievement, and give parents the opportunity to choose the best school for their child.

Both types of programs offer families the opportunity to send their child to safer schools with a proven track record of success. They allow public education dollars to follow the student to the school of their parents’ choosing and improve student performance. Surely parents, not bureaucrats, are the best judges of what school is right for their child.

In Washington, D.C., studies have shown that the city’s private school scholarship program has increased graduation rates by 21 percent. In Indiana, enrollment in the state’s private school scholarship program has more than doubled this year, to nearly 20,000 students. Clearly parents in Indiana are pleased with the availability of this option.

Indiana charter school students also saw improvements in learning for math and reading compared to their traditional public-school counterparts. If Indiana and Washington, D.C., can offer their children better choices, why can’t Kentucky do the same?

A recent poll shows that 72 percent of Kentuckians favor charter schools, and yet Kentucky is one of only seven states that does not allow them. I agree with the vast majority of Kentuckians who favor charter schools and have supported federal incentives for states that permit them, and will continue to do so.

For these reasons, I am a proud sponsor of legislation in the U.S. Senate that would expand school choice and allow 11 million low-income students to take federal funding to the public or private school they choose. This would give parents, not Washington or bloated school bureaucracies, the power to decide how to best use the education money allocated for their children. It would also ensure that students trapped in failing schools don’t have to wait for those schools to get better to get a quality education.

While I was encouraged to see Kentucky’s ranking among states has improved, more is still needed. Last year, 18 of Kentucky’s 22 failing schools were in Jefferson County. Students trapped in failing schools, such as those in the Louisville area, need options before they fall too far behind.

School choice is a way out. For low-income families, it can break the cycle of poverty. Thanks to school choice, many young men and women who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to excel can grow up to become leaders in their communities and their country.

The current one-size-fits-all education system is not the best approach. Our Commonwealth needs to make fundamental changes so that that every child has the opportunity to leave a failing school. I’m grateful for the organizations across the Bluegrass State which are fighting to make that happen. Kentucky’s school children are capable of great things; let’s make sure we empower their parents to help their children succeed.

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the President’s State of the Union last night:

“I’d just like to say a word this morning about the President’s State of the Union speech.

“And let me say that I think Congresswoman McMorris-Rodgers did a great job representing our party and the people of Washington State’s 5th District last night.

“Frankly, I wish the President had laid out an agenda half as hopeful as the one she did.

“Because the State of the Union address is always an important moment for the country.

“It’s an opportunity for the two parties to come together with the President, members of the Supreme Court, and other government officials to show a kind of unity even in the midst of the great debates we have here every day.

“It’s a worthy tradition.

“And last night, the President had a real chance to unite the nation around a forward-looking agenda.

“He had a huge opportunity to reach to the middle and chart a new path – at a time when nearly 70 percent of Americans say the country is either stagnant or worse off now than when the President took office. That we’re on the wrong path.

“It could have been a legacy-making moment.

“Instead, it was the same tired boilerplate we hear year after year.

“And when you peel back all the adjectives and the anecdotes, all the platitudes and nods to the Left – what remained for the middle class? Largely the same tired policies that led us to this point – the same failed agenda with its legacy of stagnant unemployment, lower incomes, growing inequality, and crumbling pathways to the future. The only difference is that, now, the President wants to keep doing the same old thing – just without as much input from the people’s elected representatives in Congress. Basically – all the same policies, less of that pesky democratic accountability.

“It’s more than just disappointing.

“Because the President didn’t talk about embracing a positive new agenda last night.

“He didn’t talk about reforming our tax code in a way that would drive private-sector growth and job creation.

“He didn’t talk about finding serious ways to start reducing a massive $17 trillion debt that threatens to suffocate our economy and crush the dreams of our children. He didn’t really talk about saving Social Security and Medicare. Or about streamlining and slimming the size of government. Or about setting America’s entrepreneurs and small businesses free to dream and succeed.

“As for energy, the President’s plan seems to boil down to more regulation and new taxes on energy production.

“For all his talk of phones and pens, he didn’t even mention using his pen to sign off on the Keystone Pipeline. It’s the single simplest action he could’ve taken to create jobs. And it’s a project that would’ve created thousands of jobs right away. And it still can, if the President will just lead. Unions support it. Prominent members of his party support it. The American people overwhelmingly support it. But there’s one small group that doesn’t support it: powerful special interests on the far-Left.

“Well, they won last night – and the middle class lost.

“And you know, there’s another big issue where the President turned his back on the middle class: Obamacare. The State of the Union was the President’s opportunity to finally admit his mistakes and the painful consequences that have affected so many in Kentucky and around the country. It was a chance to call for a fresh, bipartisan beginning – to start over with true health reform that could really help middle-class families.

“Instead, he doubled down on failed policies.

“I know he tried to paint a rosy picture of life under this law in his speech – and I suppose that’s natural. But he must know that it’s not a picture that reflects reality. He must know that Americans suffering under this law aren’t going to buy the spin. And he must know that trying to sell Kentucky’s Obamacare bureaucracy as some kind of success story is, to the thousands and thousands of Kentuckians being hurt by it – well, it’s frankly insulting.

“It’s insulting to the quarter-million Kentuckians who had their plans cancelled because of this law. It’s insulting to the families struggling to afford premiums that have, on average, increased by almost half across Kentucky. And it’s insulting to the taxpayers who’ve been forced to subsidize – to the tune of about $250 million in Kentucky alone – Obamacare’s restricted access to doctors and hospitals, its crushing effect on families, and its skyrocketing costs.

“So look: it’s clear, President Obama missed the mark last night.

“On some issues, he said the right things. Like on trade promotion authority. That’s a place where we can work together to create more American jobs – as long as the President can convince his party to work constructively with us to do that. Because what he didn’t say last night is that the only thing stopping us from creating more trade jobs is his own party. So we’ll see if he actually follows through on that.

“But overall, the President mostly refused to budge from his failed policies. He basically refused to reach across the aisle in a way that would lead to immediate job growth opportunities.

“That’s distressing news for our country. It’s especially disheartening for the middle class.

“And it’s disappointing for those of us who actually want to get big things done for our constituents. For those who really do want to work with the President…who want to collaborate on smart, bipartisan policies that can finally get Americans back to work after years of this failed Obama Economy.

“But we can’t do it without President Obama. He has to lead. On trade, jobs, energy, the economy – whatever the issue.

“So we’re not going to give up. We’re not going to stop trying to help him see that Americans are calling for a new direction – for a forward-leaning agenda that actually puts the middle class first and leaves tired left-wing ideas where they belong…in the history books.

“And when the President is ready to work with us, he should know that we’ll be here, waiting for him.

“We’ve always been here, actually. And many members of his party with other helpful ideas have been here too, waiting for him – Democrats with smart ideas the President hasn’t been willing to consider thus far.

“All he needs to do is pick up that phone.

“And if he’s willing to actually work in a serious way with members of both parties, we’ll send him some things to sign with that pen too.”

“If the President really wants a ‘Year of Action,’ there are plenty of good ideas that the two parties can agree on: passing House-approved jobs bills in the Senate designed to get Americans back to work, revenue-neutral tax reform, trade promotion legislation, and the Keystone pipeline.

“The President also tried to put a positive spin on the disaster that is Obamacare, but the American people are not fooled by a deeply flawed health care law that is driving up premiums and deductibles and causing people to lose coverage. He even tried to sell Kentucky’s Obamacare bureaucracy as a success story, but he failed to mention the stories that I’m hearing from Kentuckians: restricted access to doctors and hospitals, lost jobs, lower wages, fewer choices, higher costs. Thanks to Obamacare, more than a quarter million Kentuckians received cancellation notices for plans they had and presumably wanted to keep and premiums have increased an average of 47 percent in Kentucky according to a recent survey, and in some cases more than 100 percent. And the cost to the taxpayer?  $253 million. That’s how much Washington has spent so far for these results in Kentucky.

“A State of the Union address should point the way to what’s possible when the two parties work together. What we did not get is real, bipartisan solutions for the failures of Obamacare and the Obama economy.”