Recent Press Releases

We’re Not Giving Up

March 24, 2010

Today, Republicans will give Democrats one last chance to reject the horrible impact the underlying bill and this last-minute add-on will have on our country. Unfortunately, we already know that they plan to turn the other way.
"Democrats are spending trillions more on a system that already costs too much and forcing seniors, small business owners and middle class families to pay for it. You can call that a lot of things. You might even call it historic. But you can’t call it reform"
"As if the bill they voted on yesterday wasn’t bad enough, now they want to make it worse. That’s what’s going on in the Senate this week. Democrat leaders now want us to take the bill that passed the Senate in December and that the House voted on last night and make the tax hikes even higher, the Medicare cuts even deeper. And they want us to endorse a raft of new sweetheart deals that were struck behind closed doors last week so this thing could limp over the finish line last night."