Congressman Michael McCaul

Representing the 10th District of Texas

McCaul on Ruling to Block President’s Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty

May 26, 2015
Press Release

McCaul on Ruling to Block President’s Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty

AUSTIN, TX – Today following the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit decision to uphold an injunction blocking President Obama’s unilateral actions on immigration, Congressman Michael McCaul issued the following statement.

McCaul: “The ruling today once again blocking the implementation of the President's unlawful actions is a victory for the constitution and the American people. Once again, the courts have upheld what President Obama himself conceded 22 times, he does not have the authority to act unilaterally and change the law. I will continue to urge President Obama to abandon his unconstitutional amnesty orders and focus on something the American people actually want — border security.
