Tour the House Chamber

Legislative activities in the House of Representatives begin and end in the House Chamber. The grand space in which all this work is carried out was designed in the 19th century—and redesigned over the years—with these needs in mind. As the central space for the House, it’s the location where Members introduce, debate, and vote on legislation. The House Chamber also takes on national significance as the room where Members count electoral votes, and where Congress holds Joint Meetings and Joint Sessions, including the State of the Union. The press and the public can witness the process from the galleries or watch the proceedings on television.

A Curator’s Look at the House Chamber

The House of Representatives has changed over the centuries, and so has the place where it meets to conduct business. In this video, House Curator Farar Elliott paints a picture of what the Chamber looked like long ago, and how it looks today.

Symbolism in the House Chamber

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives meet to conduct legislative activities in the House Chamber. In this video, House Curator Farar Elliott describes the symbolism in the chamber and its artifacts.
