Press Releases

McConnell Remembers the Victims of Navy Yard Shootings

‘We have not forgotten those who fell that day in Building 197. And all of us here in the Senate send our condolences to their families and everyone who loved them.’

September 16, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate Floor regarding the one year anniversary of the Navy Yard shooting:

“A year ago today, just a few blocks from here, a lone gunman slipped into the Navy Yard and tragically took 12 lives.

“It was one of the deadliest such attacks on a U.S. military base in American history.

“We have not forgotten those who fell that day in Building 197. And all of us here in the Senate send our condolences to their families and everyone who loved them.

“They are not forgotten.”