Recent Press Releases

By Senator Mitch McConnell

March 17, 2008

Passing a budget in Washington is a chance for Congress to show what’s more important: increasing the family budget for millions of Americans, or increasing the federal budget to grow government. This year, the liberal Democrats who control Congress picked the wrong answer.

According to the Democrats’ own budget documents, their budget proposes to hike annual discretionary spending above the $1 trillion mark for the first time ever. They would spend $800 billion from the Social Security surplus, run a deficit of $400 billion, and increase our national debt by over $2 trillion. To pay for these massive spending increases, they seek to impose the largest tax hikes in American history.

Liberal Democrats claim they only want to raise taxes on “the rich.” But to them, “rich” means a single worker earning $34,000 a year, or a married couple earning $63,000. That means your average single Kentucky schoolteacher, or a police officer married to a nurse and raising a family, will see their taxes go up.

Under their budget, the average American family of four will pay an extra $2,300 a year to the taxman. That much money could buy groceries for the same family to last over eight months. Or the money could fill up the family car gas tank, and keep the oil changed, for about a year. The record-busting budget endorsed by Washington Democrats will make it harder for families to afford these everyday, necessary items.

In all, 43 million families will suddenly become “rich” thanks to this budget and face higher taxes. Nearly 20 million seniors will face tax hikes of more than $2,000 a year. Nearly eight million lower-income workers who currently pay no tax at all would find themselves added to the tax rolls. And tens of millions of small businesses, which create two out of every three new jobs in America, will have to fork over $4,100 more a year to the government instead of reinvesting that money back into the economy.

Kentucky will pay its share of the new tax burden, too. Over 250,000 Kentuckians will face higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains, including many seniors who count on this as retirement income. Over 450,000 Kentucky families will pay an income tax marriage penalty, and 380,000 will lose the valuable child tax credit. Over all, more than 1.4 million Kentuckians will see their taxes increase substantially.

When Democrats last controlled Congress over a dozen years ago, they passed a budget with what was then the largest tax hike in history. Astonishingly, it was only about one-third the size of what they propose now.

Republicans recognized that the best economic policy was to lower tax rates and let the great American economy get to work. We did, and created millions of jobs in the process.

The way to stay on this path is not to raise taxes, but to keep them low, control the growth of entitlement spending, and pay down the federal deficit. In short, government should work to grow the family budget, not the federal budget.

*Senator McConnell is the Senate Republican Leader and only the second Kentuckian to lead his party in the U.S. Senate.

Senator John McCain has shown the same commitment to principle and devotion to country as Lieutenant Commander McCain did decades earlier

LOUISVILLE—U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Saturday regarding the 35th anniversary of Sen. John McCain’s release from the “Hanoi Hilton” where he was held for more than five years as a prisoner of war:

“Today marks an important anniversary in the life of a man I have had the honor of working with in the Senate for more than two decades. At a time when millions of his generation were caught up in the haze of a counter-culture back home, John McCain was proving his character in a foreign prison camp. Despite torture, broken and re-broken limbs, sickness, and despair, John McCain did not yield. He refused special treatment, and he refused to shame his country or to trade his fellow POWs’ morale for early release.

“Senator John McCain has shown the same commitment to principle and devotion to country as Lieutenant Commander McCain did decades earlier, and the same iron will. So today, as we recognize the 35th anniversary of his release, I want to thank John once again for his heroic service to America. He has served his country with honor. I appreciate his service to our country and to the Senate.”


‘This budget does nothing to address the looming entitlement crisis our children will inherit from us”

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Friday regarding his vote against the Democrat budget which raises taxes on lower- and middle-income families:

“This debate made clear that Congressional Democrats are willing to raise taxes on middle- and lower-income families so they can spend more from Washington. Instead of working to increase the size of the family budget, Democrats once again chose to grow the government budget—raising taxes on middle-class American families by an average of $2,300 a year and refusing to reform the middle-class tax hike known as the AMT. Sadly, this budget does nothing to address the looming entitlement crisis our children will inherit from us.”
