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‘What was supposed to be an exercise in smart, bipartisan, common-sense, reforms that cut costs and increase access somehow became an exercise in government expansion that promises to raise costs, raise premiums, and slash Medicare for seniors’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Wednesday regarding the importance of getting it right on health care reform:

“Over the past several months, lawmakers in Washington have been engaged in a serious and wide-ranging debate about the fate of our nation’s health care system. It’s a debate that grew out of a recognition that while America may have the best health care in the world, the cost of care is too high and too many lack insurance.

“This much was never in dispute.

“There isn’t a single member of Congress from either party who doesn’t want to solve these problems. That’s why the disagreements we’ve had have arisen not over the ends, but over the means of achieving these common goals. And that’s why over the past few months, two very different approaches to reform have come into view.

“For most Democrats, reform seems to come in a single form: a vast expansion of government detailed in complicated, thousand-page bills costing trillions. The only thing that’s clear about the Democrat plans are the basics: they cost about a trillion dollars, they increase premiums, they raise taxes, and they slash Medicare.

“In short, they include a lot of things that Americans didn’t ask for and don’t want, and they include very few of the things that Americans thought they were going to get.

“What was supposed to be an exercise in smart, bipartisan, common-sense, reforms that cut costs and increase access somehow became an exercise in government expansion that promises to raise costs, raise premiums, and slash Medicare for seniors. For Democrats in Congress, the original purpose of reform seems to have blurred.

“Republicans have taken a different approach.

“We agreed at the outset that reform was needed. But in our view, those reforms wouldn’t necessarily cost a lot of money, wouldn’t add to the debt, and wouldn’t expand the government.

“Instead of a massive government-driven experiment, Republicans have offered common-sense, step by step solutions to the problems of cost and access — things like medical liability reform, which would save tens of billions of dollars and increase access to care; needed insurance reforms that would increase access and lower costs; and prevention and wellness programs, like the ones that have been so successful in bending the cost curve down at major businesses like Safeway.

“Here were the two approaches to reform.

“Well, the American people looked at these two approaches and they made their choice. All summer long, we watched as ordinary Americans reacted to the administration’s plan to put government between individuals and their health care and to pay for it with higher premiums, higher taxes, and Medicare cuts in the midst of a recession.

“Americans rejected the idea of a vast new experiment to reorder their health care and nearly one fifth of the economy in a single stunning move. They know the stakes are too high. Just last Friday, the Treasury Department announced that the government ran a deficit in the fiscal year that just ended of more than three times the previous record.

“The national debt is nearly 12 trillion dollars. It’s expected to grow by another nine trillion dollars over the next ten years. Medicare and Medicaid cost the federal government nearly $700 billion a year, a cost that’s expected to double in ten years.

“These numbers are like nothing we have ever seen.

“And yet, in the midst of all this, the administration is proposing that we conduct a trillion dollar experiment in health care that would expand government spending even more.

“And now Democrats in Congress are proposing that we put another quarter of a trillion dollars on the government charge card in order to prevent a cut in the reimbursement rate to doctors who treat Medicare patients.

“All of us want to keep this cut from happening. But the American people don’t want us to borrow another cent to pay for it. And they don’t want Democrats in Congress to pretend that this quarter of a trillion dollars isn’t part of the cost of health care reform — because it is.

“It’s also a clear violation of the President’s pledge that health care reform wouldn’t add a single dime to the deficit over the next decade. In fact, if Democrats have their way, this bill would add nearly 2.5 trillion dimes to the national debt.

“Well, the American people have a message for Democrats in Congress: the time to get our fiscal house in order is not tomorrow. It’s not next year. It’s now.

“Last week, 10 Democrat senators sent a letter to the Majority Leader outlining some of the problems that can be expected to result from our record deficit and debts.

“They pointed out that each American’s share of today’s debt is more than $38,000; that long-term deficits will lead to higher interest rates and inflation; and that all this debt threatens to weaken not only our basic standard of living but also our national security. And then they made an urgent plea. They called on their party to do something to deal with these urgent fiscal realities.

“They shouldn’t hold their breath.

“Because instead of addressing these urgent issues, a handful of top Democrats are instead pressing forward behind closed doors with a health care plan that, once fully implemented, and including the doc fix, would cost more than $2 trillion dollars.

“It’s hard to imagine, but if the history of government entitlement programs is any guide, then these estimates are almost certainly on the conservative side.

“History shows that these kinds of programs almost never come in under cost.

“Consider just a few examples.

“At the time that Medicare Part A was created, it was estimated that costs for hospital services and related administration for the year 1990 would run about $9 billion. The actual cost was more than seven times that.

“Medicare Part B, a program that covers physician services, was expected to run on $500 million a year from general tax revenues, along with a $3 monthly premium. Last year, the program was funded through nearly $150 billion in federal revenues.

“As I say, these are just a few examples.

“But they illustrate a larger point that can’t be ignored: The nature of government entitlements is such that they only get bigger with time. The estimates we’re getting have to be viewed in light of past experience. And past experience isn’t encouraging.

“Several months into this debate, it’s easy to forget that at the outset everyone seemed to agree on two things: that health care reforms were needed, and any reform would have to lower overall health care costs.

“Yet the evidence suggests that the bill Senate Democrats and White House officials are carving up in private would do the opposite. It would actually increase costs. It would increase premiums, raise taxes, and slash Medicare — and that’s not reform.

“Americans are concerned about the direction we’re headed in. Record debts, record deficits, endless borrowing, and yet every day we hear of more plans to borrow and spend, borrow and spend.

“Americans don’t want the same kind of denial, delay, and rationing of care they’ve seen in countries that have followed the path of government-driven health care for all, and they’re perplexed that in the midst of a terrible recession, near 10-percent unemployment, massive federal debt, and a deficit that rivals the deficits of the last four years combined, the White House would move ahead with a massive expansion of government health care. They’re telling us that common sense, step-by-step reforms are the better, wiser, and more fiscally responsible way to go.

“This is the message I have delivered nearly every day on the Senate floor since the first week of June because, in my view, it’s the message that the American people have been sending us.”

‘If Democrats were serious about getting rid of junk lawsuits, I’m sure they could have found room in the 1,500-page Baucus Bill for more than that. Unfortunately, they did not’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday regarding the importance of getting it right on health care reform:

“Over the past few months, I’ve delivered a series of floor speeches on the kinds of common-sense reforms that Americans were hoping for but haven’t seen in the ongoing debate over health care. In particular, I’ve noted the glaring absence of medical liability reform in the various Democrat plans that are kicking around Capitol Hill.

“My point has been simple: throughout this debate, the administration has been hauling out one group or another onto the White House lawn as a way of suggesting support for its health care plans: doctors, nurses, hospitals, state governments — you name it. But one group you haven’t seen are the personal injury lawyers who drive up the cost of medicine and premiums for all of us by filing wasteful lawsuits against doctors and hospitals across the country.

“The connection between lawsuits and higher health care costs is obvious. Because of the constant threat of these suits, doctors are forced to order costly but unnecessary tests and procedures just to protect themselves.

“The routine nature of this so-called ‘defensive medicine’ is one reason health care costs have skyrocketed over the past decade, and junk lawsuits are the primary reason that doctors today spend a fortune on liability insurance even before they open their doors for business.

“The prevalence of wasteful lawsuits is evidenced by the fact that Americans spend more on lawsuits than any other country and more than twice as much as all but one other country — not because American doctors are somehow more negligent, but because our lawsuits tend to be more wasteful. In fact, according to The New England Journal of Medicine, 40% of liability suits in the U.S. are entirely without merit, and even in cases in which the plaintiff prevails, most of the compensation goes to someone other than the plaintiff.

“There should be no doubt that wasteful lawsuits are a major reason that health care costs in this country are out of control — and that we should do something about it.

“We’ve seen the good results of medical liability reforms at the state level. States that have adopted medical liability reform have witnessed premiums for medical liability insurance fall dramatically. Recent reforms in Texas, for example, helped drive down insurance premiums for doctors by more than 25 percent. These savings have allowed doctors in Texas to see more clients and increase charity care.

“Here was a common-sense reform that surely everyone could agree on. And yet, just like the other common-sense reforms Republicans have proposed as a way of fixing our existing health care system, our advice was ignored.

“The administration and Democrat leaders in Congress were determined from the outset to press ahead with a massive expansion of government rather than take the step-by-step reforms that the American people have been asking for all along. We’ve seen it in every Democrat proposal, including the recently-finalized Baucus Plan. In the face of indisputable evidence that medical liability reforms would lower costs, the Baucus Bill offers nothing more than lip service — a Sense of the Senate that ‘Congress should consider establishing a state demonstration program.’

“If Democrats were serious about getting rid of junk lawsuits, I’m sure they could have found room in the 1,500-page Baucus Bill for more than that. Unfortunately, they did not.

“Americans expected more than this. At the outset of this debate, everyone agreed that one of the primary reasons for reform was the need to lower health care costs — and common-sense experience, and the testimony of all the experts, tells us unequivocally that ending junk lawsuits against doctors and hospitals would lower costs. The question wasn’t whether we should have included it. The only question was why would Democrats leave out such a common-sense reform?

“Unfortunately, the answer is all-too-obvious. Here’s how a former Democratic National Committee chairman put it recently in a candid moment: ‘The reason why tort reform is not in the bill,’ he said, ‘is because the people who wrote it did not want to take on the trial lawyers in addition to everybody else they were taking on, and that is the plain and simple truth.’

“That’s Howard Dean talking, not Senate Republicans. Howard Dean says the reason that this obvious, common-sense reform wasn’t included in the Baucus Plan is that the authors of the bill didn’t want to face the wrath of the lawyers.

“This is precisely why Americans are concerned about government-driven health care. Common sense decisions become political decisions. And Americans don’t want politics interfering with their health care. Medical liability reform should be in this bill. The fact that it isn’t only makes Americans more concerned about the impact that government-driven health care would have on their lives and their care.”

‘We knew this proposal would raise taxes. We knew it would slash Medicare. Now we know it will raise health insurance premiums. Americans support reform. But higher premiums, higher taxes, and cutting Medicare — that’s not reform’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Monday regarding the importance of getting it right on health care reform:

“I don’t know of a single person who wants to see reimbursements cut to doctors who treat Medicare patients. But if Congress is going to step in and prevent it, we shouldn’t do it by racking up more debt on the government’s credit card.

“On Friday, the Treasury Department announced that the government ran a deficit of $1.4 trillion in the fiscal year that ended a few weeks ago — a deficit about three times the size of the previous all-time high.

“This should have been a wake-up call. But instead, within days of this sobering proof of Congress’s chronic inability to live within its means, Democrats in Congress want to borrow another quarter of a trillion dollars to keep doctors from getting a pay cut.

“Republicans want to fix this problem. But there are ways to pay for it. And when this matter comes before the Senate, Republicans will offer ways to pay for it without asking taxpayers to take on another quarter of a trillion dollars in debt.

“It’s perfectly obvious why Democrats want to resolve this issue outside the larger debate over health care. They’re doing it so they can say their health care plan doesn’t add to the deficit. It’s a gimmick, and a transparent one at that.

“Americans are tired of gimmicks, tired of Congress putting everything on the national charge card. We’re not teenagers. Our parents aren’t going to pay our bill at the end of the school year. The American people — our children and grandchildren — are the ones getting stuck with the bill. It’s time we act as if we’re aware of that.

“Higher debt is just one aspect of the Democrats’ health care plan that concerns Americans. At the outset of this debate, everybody agreed on one thing: any reform would have to address the primary problem with health care, and that’s cost. Yet every day we hear about some accounting gimmick that’s being used to conceal the true cost of this bill. And now we’re hearing that it will drive up premiums too.

“The director of the independent, non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, Doug Elmendorf, indicated in recent congressional testimony that parts of the Finance Committee proposal would lead to higher premiums — in other words, that health care costs would go up, not down, as a result of the Democrats’ latest health care proposal — a proposal that’s only going to get more expensive as the process moves forward in closed-door discussions between a handful of Democrat lawmakers and White House officials.

“This is just what the American people have feared all along — that lawmakers would lose sight of the purpose of reform and end up making problems worse, not better.

“The Finance Committee Bill includes a new tax on health insurance that most experts, including the CBO, agree would be passed straight to consumers, leading to higher premiums. One estimate suggests that this new tax on insurance plans will be passed on to families, costing them nearly $500 per year in higher premiums starting next year…long before any of the purported benefits of reform would take effect

“The Oliver Wyman Group, an international management consulting firm, has also looked at how the Finance Committee bill would impact premiums in a number of states. This is important because every state has different insurance laws. In states like Kentucky, Arizona, and Virginia — which have flexible insurance laws and generally lower premiums — the impact would be dramatic.

“Currently, the average family premium in these states is about $9,500 a year. Under the Baucus plan, that premium is expected to rise to nearly $17,000. That’s $7,500 more that the government is telling families they have to spend on health insurance. That’s $7,500 these families can’t use for the college fund or to plan for retirement. And while the Baucus plan may subsidize some insurance plans, the subsidies likely won’t be enough to offset these massive new costs imposed on many of these families.

“The bottom line is this: The Finance Committee bill has now been out for a few weeks. The experts are starting to estimate what it would mean for insurance premiums. And what we’ve seen so far isn’t good. This is precisely why Americans want us to debate these bills out in the open. This is why they want us to take our time until the true cost is known. And this is why they should have ample time to look at any proposed changes before Congress acts.

“We knew this proposal would raise taxes. We knew it would slash Medicare. Now we know it will raise health insurance premiums. Americans support reform. But higher premiums, higher taxes, and cutting Medicare — that’s not reform.”
