Congressman Patrick Meehan

Representing the 7th District of Pennsylvania

Latest from Rep. Meehan

Aug 6, 2014

Dear Friend, 

Below is an overview of some of the work I’m doing on your behalf. To learn more about what I have been working on, please visit my website, my Facebook page, and follow me on Twitter.


Congressman Patrick Meehan


Latest on the VA Scandal

A recent internal audit of VA healthcare facilities in our area found evidence that employees were directed to falsify data and manipulate statistics to make waiting times appear shorter than they truly are. This is in direct contradiction to assurances the VA’s leadership in Philadelphia gave me during visits to these facilities in recent week. This is just the latest demonstration of the culture of coverups within the VA bureaucracy, and I wrote the VA Secretary this week seeking answers on how this has happened.


Fighting to Protect Students on Campus

Last week I introduced bipartisan legislation that will help protect victims of sexual assault on college campuses. It strengthens the partnership between schools and law enforcement, enhances training standards for on-campus personnel, and it will help victims access confidential advisors who can provide support in the wake of an assault. It’s an important step forward in the effort to protect our kids on campus and support victims. The legislation includes many of the recommendations made this year by my Southeastern Pennsylvania Campus Sexual Violence Advisory Council.


Passing Bipartisan Cybersecurity Legislation

As Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, I’m pleased that the House of Representatives has passed groundbreaking cybersecurity legislation with overwhelming bipartisan support. The legislation, which I introduced along with Rep. Michael McCaul, was the product of hundreds of meetings with stakeholders including the private sector and privacy advocates. The risk of cyber attack in the United States is growing, and this legislation aims to strengthen our ability to prevent and respond to cyber attacks while protecting the privacy rights of law-abiding Americans.  Here you can see what this law does and how it will protect Americans.


Congressman Meehan discusses diabetes and the importance of preventive medicine at the Havertown YMCA on August 4, 2014