Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced today he appointed Bridget Bush of Louisville, Kentucky, to serve on the newly created National Women’s History Museum Commission. Bush currently practices law in Louisville. Senator McConnell also appointed Jane Abraham, General Chairman of Susan B. Anthony List, to serve on the commission.

The commission will explore the creation of a National Women’s History Museum in Washington, D.C. The commission will consist of eight members – two appointed by Senator McConnell – and will be responsible for making a recommendation to the President and Congress regarding the establishment of the museum. The members will study cost, impact, fundraising and location and will include findings in their report within the next 18 months.

“I am proud to appoint Bridget to help pioneer this important commission. She is a strong Kentucky conservative who will represent the Commonwealth well in this new role,” Senator McConnell said.

“Our nation was founded and has thrived through the efforts of both women and men.  I am grateful to Leader McConnell and thrilled to have this opportunity to serve on a commission dedicated to presenting our nation’s story fairly and accurately, with many represented perspectives. Abigail Adams once wrote, ‘If we mean to have heroes, statesmen and philosophers, we should have learned women,’ to which I would add the importance of learning about women in American history,” Bridget Bush said.