Congressman Pete Olson

Representing the 22nd District of Texas


Dec 12, 2013
Press Release

Washington, DC - Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22) today issued the following statement regarding his vote on the House/Senate budget agreement:

"Chairman Ryan has done yeoman's work to finally get Senate Democrats to agree to a budget. Regrettably, I cannot support the House/Senate agreement because it reduces the spending reductions that we fought so hard for in the Budget Control Act. Those spending cuts, known as sequestration, while not perfect, represent the only meaningful reductions in federal spending in a long time.  This budget agreement unfortunately rescinds some of these reductions with a promise of cuts down the road. Too often we have seen those promises broken.

"Our children and grandchildren cannot afford a government that fails to reduce our debt. We need to cut government and grow our economy. This budget agreement does not accomplish that in a meaningful way."


Media Contact: Melissa Kelly
