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Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton

Representing the District of Columbia

Places in Washington DC

Social Security Benefits for LGBT Families

LGBT Families- Apply For Your Earned Social Security Benefits


On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court found Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA} unconstitutional. If you or your spouse/partner are retired, disabled or widowed/widowered and currently reside in Washington, D.C, you, your spouse/partner and your children may now or in the future be eligible for Social Security benefits that were previously denied to LGBT families.


Social Security family benefits include:

      •    Widow's/Widower's benefits (even if a spouse died some time ago)

      •    Spousal retirement benefits (if both spouses worked prior to retirement)

      •    Monthly benefits for children of same-sex parents who are retired, disabled, or deceased


Why You Should Act Now

If you wait, Social Security may not be able to pay all of the family benefits you or your spouse/partner have earned. Social Security pays eligible Americans starting from the date of application, and in some cases, retroactive benefits. If you apply and are denied, you should file an appeal in order to fully protect your benefit rights.

For more information or to apply for benefits, contact the Social Security Administration. You can also apply for many types of Social Security benefits online hereover the phone, or in person through your local Social Security office. To find your local office and schedule an appointment, go to or call l-800-772-1213.