Press Releases

McConnell on Passage of Resolution to Overturn Administration’s Indefensible Waterways Regulation

‘This cynical, indefensible and unprecedented power grab would force citizens to seek federal permission before doing just about anything with their own property.’

November 4, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued the following statement today after the Senate approved Senator Ernst’s resolution of disapproval on the ‘Waters of the U.S.’ rule:

“The Senate stood up for middle-class homeowners and family farmers today by voting to overturn the Obama Administration’s so-called ‘Waters of the U.S.’ regulation—a rule that would place virtually all private property near a ditch, pothole or puddle under the thumb of federal bureaucrats. This cynical, indefensible and unprecedented power grab would force citizens to seek federal permission before doing just about anything with their own property. Thirty one states have already filed suit against this draconian regulation, and two federal courts have ruled that it is likely illegal. I commend the Senate for standing up against this unfair regulatory attack and look forward to House passage, which would send the resolution to the President’s desk.”