Press Releases

Republican Senate Building on Bipartisan Accomplishments for American People

‘[Supreme Court] is one issue where we just don’t agree, so let’s keep our focus on the areas where we can find agreement instead.’

March 14, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding accomplishments under the Republican Senate Majority:

“Last week the Senate took decisive action to address America’s devastating prescription opioid and heroin epidemic by passing the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA).

“It’s an important accomplishment for the American people. It’s the latest example of a Republican Senate leading on important issues.

“It also reminds us what can be accomplished when Senators focus on issues where they can agree, rather than only fighting about issues where they don’t.

“It’s clear that Democrats and Republicans do not agree about whether or not the American people should have a voice in the current Supreme Court vacancy.

“Republicans know the American people elected a Republican Senate to be a check-and-balance to President Obama. We know the next justice could dramatically change the direction of the court for decades. We think the American people deserve a voice in that conversation.

“Democrats would rather the President make this incredibly consequential decision on his way out the door.

“This is one issue where we just don’t agree, so let’s keep our focus on the areas where we can find agreement instead.

“I ask colleagues to join us in continuing to do our work here in the Senate. And as we do that, the American people can continue making their voices heard in this important national conversation.

“Passing CARA was a great example of what we can get done when we work constructively toward solutions.”