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Congressman Luis Gutierrez

Representing the 4th District of Illinois

Press Releases

May 19, 2016 Press Release
On Thursday, Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) commented on the introduction of a revised Republican bill to address the financial and debt crisis in Puerto Rico.
May 17, 2016 Press Release
Today, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) released the following statements denouncing Rep. Paul Gosar’s (R-AZ) amendment to the 2016 defense funding bill, which would prevent undocumented young people brought to the United States as children – known as DREAMers – from serving in the military. Currently, select individuals can serve under special circumstances.
May 12, 2016 Press Release
Today, reacting to a Reuters news story that the Obama Administration will launch a new round of immigration raids targeting Central American women and children, Representatives Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) released a joint statement
May 12, 2016 Press Release
Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Gutiérrez marked the much-heralded visit of the new Republican Party leader and presidential nominee to Capitol Hill by noting that the cafeterias on the Hill had apparently selected a special menu for the occasion: Taco Salads and Strawberries. As we have learned from Twitter, eating a Taco Salad is a way for Republicans to show their love for The Hispanics -- and Strawberries are picked and packed almost exclusively by undocumented immigrants. Which is a little ironic given that the GOP now wants to deport or remove 11 million undocumented immigrants, most of them Latino, from the country. The Congressman spoke during the Morning Hour on the Floor of the House of Representatives (approx. 10 am ET).
May 3, 2016 Press Release
Chicago – Today, Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez praised a new proposed rule to be published tomorrow in the Federal Register that announces new guidelines for fee waivers for naturalization applications. Under the proposed rule, applicants whose income is between 150% and 200% of the federal poverty level can apply for a fee waiver that reduces the fee in half. This proposed rule will make a reduced price accessible to many more applicants. The current full fee (including biometrics) is $680, an expense that prevents some eligible applicants from applying and going through the English, civics and biometric/background examinations required for citizenship. A 6.6% increase in the fee for naturalization applications is also included in the proposed rule, a $45 increase, but that compares favorably to an overall 21% fee increase across all services and applications in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration (USCIS) proposed fee structure.
May 2, 2016 Press Release
Chicago – Today, Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez participated in a citizenship event hosted by the Mexican consulate in Chicago and by local organizations participating in the New American Democracy Campaign ( | The Congressman spoke to volunteers and prospective citizens who gathered for a half-day workshop on Saturday morning.
April 25, 2016 Press Release
Washington, DC – Today, in a letter to President Obama, Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) called for Temporary Protected Status for Ecuadorians living in the United States as Ecuador recovers from a devastating April 16 earthquake. Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, is extended to nations facing severe crisis from natural disasters and conflict and is designated by the President without the need for approval from Congress. In his letter to the President, Rep. Gutiérrez cited the many Chicagoans and other Americans he has met in recent days who are concerned for loved ones in Ecuador and who have asked him to lead the effort to secure TPS for Ecuadorians. TPS, if granted, would protect certain Ecuadorian nationals in the United States from deportation and allow for their continued support for the country through remittances.
April 21, 2016 Press Release
Huffington Post Blog: Rep. Gutiérrez on
A year ago, Rep. Gutiérrez introduced the “Put a Woman on the Twenty Act of 2015” (H.R. 1910) to urge the Secretary of the Treasury to put a woman’s portrait on American money. After first announcing in 2015 that the ten dollar bill would be changed to include a woman or women, Secretary Jack Lew announced yesterday that Alexander Hamilton would remain on the $10 note, but abolitionist leader Harriet Tubman would grace the $20 note when it is redesigned. Also about a year ago, Rep. Gutiérrez gave a speech in Congress about why he thinks Harriet Tubman would be an excellent choice to replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. She had just won an on-line poll in which 600,000 people had cast votes as part of the “Women on 20s“ campaign. What follows is adapted from his speech in Congress on May 20, 2015 (this article originally appeared at The Huffington Post on April 21, 2016 (
April 20, 2016 Press Release
At The Huffington Post, Rep. Gutiérrez writes about the oral arguments in United States v. Texas
This article about the Supreme Court oral arguments in United States v. Texas was written by Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez and originally appeared at The Huffington Post on April 20, 2016 ( On Monday, I witnessed a part of our democracy that not many people get to see: oral arguments before the Supreme Court of the United States. And you know what? It reminded me of the importance of women’s equality.
April 20, 2016 Press Release
Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) reacted to news that Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will announce that a portrait of Harriet Tubman will adorn the U.S. $20 bill. POLITICO reports that Secretary Lew will also announce that Alexander Hamilton, the only immigrant on U.S. money, will remain on the face of the $10 bill.
