Recent Press Releases

‘This is a major departure from the standard Democrat position — and it suggests one of two things: either Democrats in Washington are finally waking up to the fact that our only hope of averting the kind of disaster we’re seeing unfold in Europe is by forcing Washington to live within its means, or they’ve made a political calculation that Americans will no longer take them seriously if they continue to pretend otherwise.’
‘We had an opportunity tonight to decide whether we wanted to repeat history, or make history. Had we chosen to repeat history, we would have allowed a government shutdown. Instead we decided to make history by implementing in the middle of this fiscal year as the Majority Leader has indicated substantial reductions in spending.’
`Let’s be very clear about this: if the government shuts down, it’s either because Democrats are pretending that a previously non-controversial provision is suddenly out of bounds. Or they refuse to take another baby step in the direction of balancing the government checkbook, something we know the American people want. Neither reason is worth a shutdown — especially when neither side actually wants one. And that’s why I believe there will be an agreement here shortly. I’ve been in many negotiations over the years. I assure you, these are not un-resolvable issues.’