Recent Press Releases

McConnell: ‘Common-Sense Reforms’ Key to Solving Debt, Spending Commitments

‘So let’s sit down. Let’s talk this out. Members on both sides of the aisle here in Congress are discussing solutions and those discussions will continue when we return from the White House.’

October 11, 2013

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the need for Senate Democrats to negotiate with Republicans over debt and spending-cut solutions:  

“Later this morning, I’ll join my Senate Republican colleagues at the White House.

“It could be a great opportunity to engage in a frank exchange of ideas with the President, if that’s what he’s looking for.

“But if all the President wants is to just drag us over there to say he won’t negotiate – well that won’t be particularly productive.

“Throughout this crisis, the President has taken what you might call an unorthodox approach to governing.

“His basic position could be summed up in three words: he won’t negotiate. And I think that’s left many Americans scratching their heads.

“I know the President and Democrat leaders in Congress want to borrow more money without any strings attached.

“But the rest of us actually want to enact common-sense reforms to get our debt under control, and we want to keep our commitments to the American people.

“And here’s a key point: no one wants a default. That's why, in 50 years of negotiations over multiple debt ceiling increases, we haven't had a single one. So let's put this hysterical talk of default behind us and instead start talking about finding solutions.

“There are a variety of ways to get debt and spending under control, a lot of innovative reforms we could consider. But we’ve got to talk to each other to make it all happen.

“I’ll bet some of my Democrat friends have spending-cut ideas too, and we’d like to hear them.

“So let’s sit down. Let’s talk this out. Members on both sides of the aisle here in Congress are discussing solutions and those discussions will continue when we return from the White House.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell contacted Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy to request the EPA hold a “listening session” in Pikeville, Kentucky, to discuss the impact its regulations will have on coal miners, their families and local businesses.

Yesterday, the EPA announced it was postponing its field hearings across the country due to the government shutdown. The EPA hearings will be held in San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Denver, Lenexa, Dallas, Seattle, Chicago, New York City and Washington, D.C. A hearing will not be held in any of the three largest coal producing states: Wyoming, West Virginia and Kentucky.

In the letter, Senator McConnell wrote: “I request the EPA host an additional listening session in Pikeville, Kentucky, which is located in the heart of coal country. Pikeville is certainly much more representative of those who work in the coal industry than San Francisco… A Pikeville meeting would bring much needed balance to the listening sessions.”

A copy of Senator McConnell’s letter is available HERE.

Democrats Call for Trillion-Dollar Debt Limit Increase ‘With No Strings Attached’

‘Well, in my view, we were sent here to solve problems, not defer them. We were sent here to confront the challenges of the moment, not ignore them. And that’s why the Majority Leader’s proposal just won’t fly.’

October 10, 2013

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding Senate Democrats’ demand for a $1.1 trillion debt limit increase with no strings attached:

“I’d like to start this morning by quoting something my friend the Majority Leader said back in 2007 – back when Congress was weighing whether or not to raise the debt ceiling. Here’s what he said: ‘Until we change the policies that led down this path, we will be back year and year, digging the hole ever deeper.’

“And, of course, that’s essentially what so many Americans are saying today: If we’re going to address the debt ceiling, then let’s also address the root causes of our debt. It just makes sense.

“You’d think the Majority Leader would continue to agree with this logic too. But that’s not what he’s been saying lately.

“He’s basically saying it would be irresponsible for Congress to address the most pressing problem we face as a country, that it would be reckless to raise the debt ceiling if that also meant doing something about the debt.

“In other words, he now seems to think the best thing to do about our crushing federal debt is to do nothing at all.

“That’s why the Majority Leader introduced legislation this week to allow another trillion dollars to be added the debt with no strings attached. None. That’s the Majority Leader’s plan: just keep raising the credit card limit, and let someone else deal with it later on. We’ve now got a debt close to $17 trillion, nearly double what it was in 2007. We’re borrowing nearly $2 billion — a day. And, apparently, our friends on the other side are fine with that. He wants to give Washington a free pass to borrow and spend $1 trillion more. He’s so comfortable with all this that he rejected the President’s own proposal this week to do a short-term increase, followed by negotiations on reforms.

“Well, in my view, we were sent here to solve problems, not defer them. We were sent here to confront the challenges of the moment, not ignore them. And that’s why the Majority Leader’s proposal just won’t fly.

“Because it’s completely at odds with the wishes of most Americans. And that’s something the President and a lot of other Senate Democrats agreed with when a Republican President was asking for a debt limit increase. And the problem’s a lot more serious now than it was then.

“Here’s something else: Neither side wants to default on our debts. Neither side will allow it. I believe that. And people should know that. It’s irresponsible to do nothing about the debt, and it’s irresponsible to be stirring up anxiety about default.

“But that doesn’t mean the American people are wrong to ask that a debt-limit increase include reforms aimed at actually tackling the problems that got us here in the first place.
Especially since that’s what our country has routinely done in the past.

“Going back to the Eisenhower Administration, requests to raise the debt ceiling have often been tied to important fiscal reforms — nearly two dozen times. That’s how we got the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings reforms in the 80s. That’s how we achieved balanced budgets in the 90s. That’s how we secured significant spending reductions in President Obama’s first term — spending reductions he later campaigned on.

“Now, President Obama seems to think Congress should just increase the borrowing limit on his already maxed-out credit card. Without a single negotiation. He seems to think the representatives of the American people should just do what he says, when he says it, because he says it. No questions asked.

“That’s not just irresponsible – it’s not the way presidents of both parties have dealt with this problem in the past.
“Reagan negotiated. Clinton negotiated. And if President Obama wants America to increase his credit limit, he’ll negotiate too.

“I’d also like to address one of the President’s favorite talking points these days.

“He says he won’t negotiate over – and I’m quoting here – the ‘bills Congress has already racked up.’

“Look: if the President actually believed his own talking point, he wouldn’t threaten to veto virtually every Republican attempt to get spending under control. We’ve tried endlessly. The only times we can even get him to discuss sensible budget reforms is when he’s absolutely forced to – when Washington has to deal with things like the debt ceiling. So let’s drop that tired talking point and just get to negotiating.

“I know the President doesn’t like the fact that Americans elected a divided government. But they did.

“No matter how much he tries to divide us, at the end of the day he’s going to have to deal with a Congress he doesn’t entirely control.

“The American people can be persuaded to raise the debt ceiling, but they’re not in any mood to simply hand over a blank check. They’re looking for sensible reforms too.

“So if the President wants us to increase his credit limit, let’s get to the table and negotiate.

“He’s been inviting members of Congress to the White House this week. In fact, we were just told earlier today that Senate Republicans have been invited to meet with the President tomorrow morning. That’s a good start, but only if it means he’s decided to drop his refusal to negotiate on solutions. Because if this is a meeting where he simply reiterates that he won’t negotiate, then it won’t be productive.”