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Congresswoman Maxine Waters

Representing the 43rd District of California

Floor Statement in Support of Hurricane Sandy Relief

January 10, 2013
Floor Statement

Below is Congresswoman Maxine Waters' one minute statement on the House floor in support of H.R. 41 - the Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill:

Thank you so very much, Congressman Meeks.

I am so proud of the members of this Congress from both sides of the aisle, who have been real advocates, who have been on television, who have been fighting. Members on the opposite side of the aisle have criticized their own leadership for the delay.

Ladies and Gentleman, I am from California. I have witnessed earthquake disaster. I have been involved with trying to help with Hurricane Katrina, and making sure that the people who were the victims of Katrina were compensated and were taken care of. This is unconscionable that this has had to take so long.

I've watched Congressman Meeks up in Rockaway. I've watched the people who cried, I've watched the people who begged for help, who begged for assistance. This is so late in coming.

And so I support this bill today. I am one of the co-authors of the Flood Insurance Reauthorization Bill, along with Ms. Biggert, who reauthorized flood insurance for another five years.

Let's put the money in it. Let's do what's right. Let's take care of this disaster.