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Press Releases

January 3, 2017 Press Release
“I’m honored for the opportunity from Speaker Paul Ryan and Chairman Pete Sessions to join the House Rules Committee. The House has an important role to play in returning our nation to the right path, and I’m eager to get to work."
December 16, 2016 Press Release
I’m so proud of Etash and all the students who participated in the Congressional App Challenge this year. STEM education is so important to our nation’s future, and I’m confident these student participants will play key roles in America’s success.
December 9, 2016 Press Release
As a former prosecutor and a Coloradan, I’m eager to work with my fellow caucus-members to uphold our constitutional rights and empower law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.
December 8, 2016 Press Release
We must invest wisely and frugally in America’s infrastructure, which is why I voted for the WRDA Act. Growing a bushel of Colorado corn doesn’t do anyone much good if you can’t get that corn to the right market.
December 2, 2016 Press Release
If we’re going to maintain peace in this world, then we must have a strong military. This NDAA takes care of our troops while equipping them to adequately defend our nation.
November 29, 2016 Press Release
Republicans promised to roll back President Obama’s oppressive regulatory regime. This House rule allows Congress to reassert its rightful authority over the executive branch by repealing excessive regulations and overreaching executive orders.
November 1, 2016 Press Release
Our corn and sorghum farmers in Colorado already face a number of federal regulations that make their jobs harder. I urge the EPA to rethink their approach to atrazine, using sound science and listening to the concerns of farmers instead of barreling forward with flawed research.
October 5, 2016 Press Release
"Manufacturing businesses are vital components of our economy. In Washington, I’m fighting government overreach so that small businesses, especially gun manufacturers who rely on the protection of our Second Amendment rights, can continue contributing to the economy and creating jobs."
September 29, 2016 Press Release
"Since it’s exempt from local property taxes, the federal government should contribute to local communities through PILT funds. I encourage Congress to fully fund the PILT program and to ensure its long-term existence.”
September 21, 2016 Press Release
The WATER Act ensures that farmers and ranchers have access to low cost water resources. I’m glad I could work with Chairman Brady and the House Ways and Means committee to advance this legislation that is so important to communities in the Western United States.
