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Foreign Affairs

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More on Foreign Affairs

September 15, 2016 Press Release
“This legislation should prevent President Obama from even starting to think about moving terrorists into Colorado. For the safety of Colorado, America, and the world, these terrorists should be locked up in Guantanamo Bay for a long, long time.”
June 28, 2016 Press Release
When we distract our military with a radical climate change agenda, we detract from their main purpose of defending America from enemies like ISIS. This amendment refocuses the military on our real enemies.
February 23, 2016 Press Release
Time and time again, public safety has taken a back seat to political point-scoring with this President. Not only could the President’s plan cost nearly half a billion dollars, but it makes us less safe.
October 9, 2015 Press Release
"I voted to end the ban on crude oil exports. It’s good for Colorado because we’ll create more jobs without raising the price of gas at the pump."
September 11, 2015 Press Release
“The President's deal with Iran is at best delusional and at worst despicable. It makes the entire world less safe. Whether you live in Julesburg or Jerusalem, a nuclear Iran poses a threat.”
September 10, 2015 Press Release
“President Obama negotiated with a band of villains”
March 7, 2015 In The News

President Obama just made a dangerous world a lot more dangerous. His strategic bumbling in the most explosive part of the planet has set off a chain reaction.

The president turned his back on America's friends like Israel, Jordan and Egypt, and longtime partner Saudi Arabia. Desperate for help in crushing the Islamic State terrorists and diverting attention from his failures, President Obama has thrown in his lot with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

March 3, 2015 Press Release
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session Congress.
February 12, 2015 In The News
Rep. Ken Buck, who represents the 4th Congressional District, said he wanted to see “clearly defined limits and goals” in any authorization approved by Congress.