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June 10, 2016 Press Release
"Today the House of Representatives sent a clear message to the President. It’s not OK to implement a radical green energy agenda on the backs of the American people."
May 26, 2016 Press Release
This amendment stops the administration from imposing their radical green energy agenda on the backs of American families.
May 5, 2016 Press Release
I appreciated the chance to show my colleague, Rep. Polis, around the Fourth Congressional District today.
February 5, 2016 Press Release
Every day, parents, farmers, and small business owners rely on affordable transportation, so a tax hike on fuel hits them the hardest. The federal government has no business picking winners and losers in the energy economy with our tax dollars.
January 13, 2016 Press Release
Congress has sat idle for too long, allowing the President to act beyond his authority. With this bill, Congress will be reasserting its Article I power and reining in executive overreach. I encourage my colleagues to become co-sponsors.
December 3, 2015 Press Release
After many months of calling for legislation to lift the crude oil export ban, I’m thankful the House passed this bill. In an increasingly volatile world, securing America’s energy infrastructure should be a top priority.
October 9, 2015 Press Release
"I voted to end the ban on crude oil exports. It’s good for Colorado because we’ll create more jobs without raising the price of gas at the pump."
August 4, 2015 In The News

In the aftermath of the 1973 oil crisis, President Ford signed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, which banned the export of most American crude oil. Rather than shielding the United States from volatile world markets, the ban depressed domestic oil production, made America more dependent on foreign oil, and drove up the price of gas.

July 22, 2015 Press Release
"Obama's war on coal needs to stop."
May 13, 2015 Press Release
I am working to give authority back to the people’s elected representatives