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Congressman Ruben Gallego

Representing the 7th District of Arizona


September 22, 2016 Video

Mr. Speaker:

19,000 and Counting. That’s the number of people with confirmed cases of Zika in America. So far.

1,800 and Counting. The number of pregnant women in the U.S. with confirmed cases of Zika. So far.

17 and Counting. The number of babies born with birth defects related to the Zika virus. So far.

May 17, 2016 Video

Rep. Ruben Gallego introduced the "Help Treat PTSD Among Service Members" Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. The amendment was agreed to by voice vote.


Today, I rise on behalf of the estimated one in five veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who are diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD.

March 22, 2016 Video

Rabbi John Linder, of Temple Solel in Paradise Valley, Arizona, offered a prayer of invocation at a session of the House of Representatives at the invitation of Rep. Ruben Gallego and the Chaplain of the House.

March 3, 2016 Video

Mr. Speaker,

I rise today as part of Women’s History Month to recognize and celebrate the life of Isabella Greenway, the first female member of Congress from Arizona.

Congresswoman Greenway was a trailblazer, social activist, and dedicated public servant.

March 1, 2016 Video

The FAA's decision to implement new flight paths for aircraft departing from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport had a severe impact on the quality of life for many Phoenix residents. Rep. Ruben Gallego calls on Congress to pass legislation to compel the FAA to consider steps to mitigate aircraft noise-related concerns.

January 6, 2016 Video

Mr. Speaker,

For too long, calls for Congress to pass common sense gun control measures, heart-filled appeals from concerned Americans of all ages and ideologies, including gun owners, have fallen on deaf ears.

Despite the mounting death toll, Republican leadership has refused to consider any new measures to address the devastating impact of gun violence in America.

January 6, 2016 Video

I thank my colleague and join in strong opposition to this rule that will bring forward dangerous legislation that harms women, seniors, and families across America. 

December 9, 2015 Video

As world leaders convene in Paris for the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Rep. Ruben Gallego delivered a floor speech calling for a “strong and fair” global climate agreement and challenging his colleagues in Congress to support stronger climate policies that will grow the economy and improve public health.
