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Congressman Evan Jenkins

Representing the 3rd District of West Virginia


June 4, 2015
Press Release

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) issued the following statement today on the Social Security Administration’s announcement that it is reversing its suspension of benefits for claimants in West Virginia and Kentucky:

“Families affected by the suspension of benefits worried about how to make ends meet in this tight economy. The Social Security Administration’s decision to reverse this suspension of benefits gives claimants immediate financial piece of mind as we wait for SSA’s announcement of a fair due process review of these claims.

“Rep. Hal Rogers and I met with SSA officials on Wednesday asking for this suspension to give claimants time to provide evidence to Social Security. While it is imperative that waste and fraud not be tolerated, that does not mean benefits should be terminated without due process or evidence of wrongdoing on behalf of claimants.

“I would like to extend special thanks to Rep. Rogers, who has fought tirelessly on this issue, and I will continue to work with him and others to ensure due process is followed.”