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Congressman Evan Jenkins

Representing the 3rd District of West Virginia

Career and Job Assistance Programs for West Virginians

There are few things more painful than losing a job. It seems like a day hardly goes by without hearing the heartbreaking news that another company is closing down its facility, shuttering a plant, or going out of business. These aren’t just job loss numbers on a balance sheet, these are hardworking West Virginians that just want to do a full day’s work for a full day’s pay and provide for their families.

This packet is a tool to help you find a new job and receive any benefits for which you may qualify, such as unemployment, disability or black lung benefits. Please click here to download my Career and Job Assistance Programs for West Virginians packet.

I hope the information in this packet will be a useful resource for you as you search for employment. You and your family already have enough concerns; you should not have to spend hours searching for resources and contacts available to assist you.

The packet includes contact information for my offices, as well as information on state and federal resources. If I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact one of my three offices.

If you need help from me regarding an issue with a federal agency, please fill out and return the enclosed Privacy Release Form so the agency has your authorization to share your information with my office. Under the terms of the Privacy Act of 1974, a federal agency is not allowed to release any information concerning an individual to my office without the express written consent of the individual concerned.