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Congressman Ron Kind

Representing the 3rd District of Wisconsin

Rep. Kind Introduces Legislation to Cut Wasteful Defense Spending

June 22, 2016
Press Release

La Crosse, WI – Today, U.S. Rep. Ron Kind introduced the Wasteful Defense Spending Reduction Act, which puts in place an expedited process to cut wasteful defense spending and pay down the national debt.

“Currently, the United States spends billions of taxpayer dollars on wasteful and outdated defense programs, many of which of military leaders have said they do not want. That is unacceptable and must change. By putting in place a commission to review and recommended commonsense cuts to our defense programs we can pay down our national debt and save taxpayer money,” said Congressman Ron Kind.

“With Pentagon spending spiraling so far out of control, with an aversion to making choices and setting priorities, with too little oversight, and with so much waste that it is actually creating the risk of making us less secure, critical thinking leading to legislation forcing strategic planning that could result in not just more reasonable spending, but also a stronger defense, is sorely needed,” said John Tierney, Executive Director of Council for a Livable World and the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.

This legislation sets up an eleven member commission to review our defense programs and recommend wasteful and outdated programs to be eliminated. Following the release of the commission’s report Congress will have 90 days to vote on a joint resolution of approval to enact the recommendations in their entirety.

Ever since his time working for Senator Bill Proxmire of Wisconsin, investigating wasteful government spending programs for his Golden Fleece Awards, Rep. Kind has been dedicated to finding ways to save taxpayer money. He has worked to end crop insurance programs that give millions away to big agribusiness at the expense of family farmers and fought to keep rapidly rising health care costs low. Additionally, each year he finds savings in his office budget and to date have given back over $1.7 million to pay down the national debt.