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Spending Cuts and Debt

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More on Spending Cuts and Debt

January 13, 2016 Press Release
Congress has sat idle for too long, allowing the President to act beyond his authority. With this bill, Congress will be reasserting its Article I power and reining in executive overreach. I encourage my colleagues to become co-sponsors.
December 10, 2015 Press Release
We heard from the Speaker’s Chief of Staff, who told us that our continual reliance on big, bloated omnibus bills steals from Congress 90% of its Power of the Purse. To reassert Congressional power, we need to return to a regular appropriations process with multiple, separate funding bills.
October 29, 2015 Press Release
"This budget deal blows through the debt limit and the spending caps we fought hard to implement in 2011."
October 27, 2015 In The News
Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., echoed conservative criticism of the plan, adding that Boehner has “burned down the barn.”...
June 10, 2015 In The News

A diverse coalition of hard-line conservatives and centrist Republicans came together late Tuesday night to nearly deprive the annual 2016 spending bill for transportation and housing programs of the votes to pass.

The measure came close to failing on the House floor in a razor-thin 216-210 vote that could have delivered a blow to GOP leaders. 

May 1, 2015 In The News
An additional $2 million would be funneled to the Arkansas Valley Conduit under an amendment to the water and energy appropriation bill (HR2028).
April 30, 2015 Press Release
Why don’t we spend some money to benefit future generations instead of ourselves?
March 28, 2015 In The News

I voted against the fiscal year 2016 budget proposed by the Republican leadership because it won’t balance, it’s filled with gimmicks, and ultimately, it will lead to increased taxes and deficits. It is based on invalid assumptions. This is not unprecedented for the budgets crafted in Washington, but the American people deserve an honest, balanced budget and real reforms now.

March 26, 2015 Press Release
Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) voted against the Boehner-Pelosi doc fix, which would add $141 billion to the deficit over the next decade.
March 25, 2015 Press Release
Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) voted for the Republican Study Committee budget.