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More on Accountability

November 29, 2016 Press Release
Republicans promised to roll back President Obama’s oppressive regulatory regime. This House rule allows Congress to reassert its rightful authority over the executive branch by repealing excessive regulations and overreaching executive orders.
September 14, 2016 Press Release
“This legislation holds employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs accountable for failing our veterans. After the sacrifices our veterans have made, they deserve the best care we can offer.”
June 22, 2016 Press Release
"When Congress investigated the agency’s behavior, Commissioner Koskinen misled us. This is a serious breach of trust. He works for the American people, and it’s time for the American people to fire him. The IRS would be better off without Commissioner Koskinen showing up to work every day."
February 12, 2016 Press Release
Apparently President Obama was absent the day they taught civics. This Article I Resolution sends a clear message to the President that Congress alone has the right to make laws -- and that the people expect him to faithfully execute those laws.
February 3, 2016 Press Release
We’ve seen the President bypass the will of the people recently—on gun rights, health care, and costly regulations. I’m eager to participate in this executive overreach task force because reasserting the power of Congress is actually reasserting the power of the people.
January 13, 2016 Press Release
Congress has sat idle for too long, allowing the President to act beyond his authority. With this bill, Congress will be reasserting its Article I power and reining in executive overreach. I encourage my colleagues to become co-sponsors.
December 10, 2015 Press Release
We heard from the Speaker’s Chief of Staff, who told us that our continual reliance on big, bloated omnibus bills steals from Congress 90% of its Power of the Purse. To reassert Congressional power, we need to return to a regular appropriations process with multiple, separate funding bills.
December 7, 2015 Press Release
Led a letter signed by 11 of my colleagues in Congress calling on Congressman Hal Rogers, chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, to include several policy provisions in the Omnibus Appropriations Act.
August 27, 2015 Event

The office of Congressman Ken Buck will host office hours for constituents Thursday, August 27.  A staff representative will be available to listen to constituent concerns and to serve as a resource for those attempting to navigate federal programs and bureaucratic red tape. Constituents seeking assistance are encouraged to bring any relevant documentation.

August 25, 2015 Event

The office of Congressman Ken Buck will host office hours for constituents Tuesday, August 25.  A staff representative will be available to listen to constituent concerns and to serve as a resource for those attempting to navigate federal programs and bureaucratic red tape. Constituents seeking assistance are encouraged to bring any relevant documentation.