
WTOV: Medals Awarded Posthumously to War Hero

HANCOCK COUNTY, W. Va.---   Nine medals, a purple heart and a Vietnam Service Medal. Every single one, presented to one woman, the daughter of Marine Corps. Corporal Bruce Oiler. When Oiler passed away last summer, he parted this earth without being honored for his service in Vietnam.

It was a tragedy for his family, and for the American government a terrible oversight , one Congressman David McKinley made the trip to New Cumberland to correct. “This should've happened when my dad was still here,” said Gladys Polverini, daughter of Oiler. “I'm 45, all my life my dad said it's just a story without the medals and citations and today is not just a medal ceremony and fulfilling my father's wishes.

Today is also the homecoming that he never received," Oiler served in Vietnam for six years. “I think as a nation we take our veterans for granted,” said Congressman McKinley. “We went through a difficult period of time with Vietnam. I think America didn't understand the sacrifices [of our veterans].”

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