
Wheeling Intelligencer Letter to Editor: Now, it's Republicans fighting for the future

I am a recent registered independent. My wife is a lifelong Democrat. However, I consider myself a Christian and american citizen before my party affiliation. I usually come home in the evening after working an 8- to 10-hour day to sit and enjoy reading the local newspaper. I usually breeze through the editorials and laugh at the same group of single-minded people that bash the Republicans and think President Obama can do no wrong. They must have a lot of extra time on their hands and should volunteer their extra time to helping the needing in their community. No one is buying your global warming, war on women, coal-is-bad crap you continue to spew.

I recently read a letter to the editor that forced me to write a response. She was actually bashing Congressman Mckinley for voting to overturn Obamacare. The vast majority of working West Virginians, Democrat or Republican, would love to thank him for voting 42 times to overturn this awful law Obamacare that was shoved down the Americans' throats. I have also heard Congressman McKinley speak a couple of times in the valley and found we have no better friend for coal-mining jobs in Washington than Mr. McKinley.

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