
Wheeling Intelligencer Editorial: FEMA flooding with unfairness

For months we have been smelling a rat - a big one in Washington - in the National Flood Insurance Program. As it has developed, our noses were right.

Now, with numbers surfacing to confirm our suspicion, a few members of Congress are looking into the matter. Rep. David McKinley, R-W.Va., is in the lead.

Late last year, the Federal Emergency Management Agency began informing some holders of federal flood insurance policies that their premiums would be going up - some quite drastically.

Asked why, FEMA functionaries pointed to the 2012 Biggert-Waters Act. By wide margins, Congress approved the act after being told the flood insurance program has a $24 billion deficit. Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy were blamed for much of the imbalance between premiums and claims.

To read entire editorial, click here.