
Tyler Star News: McKinley Speaks to Group

By Kayla Van Dyne, July 8, 2015

McKinley stated that what he has done in his offices, he suggested that the Shirley Volunteer Fire Department should assign someone to work on the grants and try to find money. McKinley went on to say that it has helped in the past to provide a letter of support for this grant or organization.

"Quit frankly what the problem is, we are trying to set something up so that the bigger cities, the bigger communities don't suck up all the money and right now they are doing a pretty good job of it," McKinley said. "I am trying to find a way to drive a wedge that separates the funding levels to communities with less than 5,000 people in it gets preferential treatment. It's hard to get traction with that because we are outnumbered. The bigger cities control, you have already seen the numbers, they can control that."

--Read the full story here--