
The Jerusalem Post: Pro-Israel Congressional Caucus to meet with Knesset Christian Allies Caucus

The Israel Allies caucus Foundation has coordinated a fact-finding mission for the US congressmen, which will begin tomorrow, in cooperation with the Yes to a Strong Israel and Proclaiming Justice to the Nations campaigns.

This is the first official Congressional delegation organized by the Israel Allies Foundation, with several more expected by the end of the year.

The Congressional caucus is part of a network of 25 international pro-Israel parliamentary groups under the coordinating efforts of the IAF, which works to promote communication and information sharing between parliamentarians and legislators worldwide – who share a belief that the State of Israel has the right to exist in peace within secure borders.

IAF members Bill Johnson and David McKinley will meet with security experts in order to better understand the security concerns of the State of Israel and get a firsthand look at the Iron Dome defense system.

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