
Daily Athenaeum: College Republicans host annual convention

The College Republican National Committee held its annual convention Saturday. Young Republicans and community members gathered to listen to Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, Congressman David McKinley and other active members of the Republican Party.

Morrisey said he was honored to speak with young college students.

“When I heard about the opportunity to come here today, I was pretty excited because I was once a young republican,” Morrisey said. “I was very active on campaigns, worked my way up to the top and had a phenomenal experience.”

Morrisey said the upcoming 2014 election year could be a game-changer for the state of West Virginia.

“We can make huge progress in the state senate. We have a chance to really pick up control of the House of Delegates, for the first time since the 1930s,” Morrisey said. “We know that West Virginia has a lot of potential and is the third highest leader in energy. As a state, we are also in a strategically valuable position. That’s why it is so important we elect these fine candidates because West Virginia needs good leadership to reach our potential.”

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