
Congressman McKinley Talks with Clarksburg Business Officials

On Thursday Congressman David McKinley paid a visit to Harrison County.
The congressman's final stop of the day was in downtown Clarksburg where he held a roundtable discussion with local business officials. The meeting was designed to hear their concerns locally, statewide and nationally.
So what are some of the concerns business officials have? Some of them include the drug problem our state faces, national security and one official cited health care as a major concern.
"One of the things I think most business owners are concerned with is the healthcare situation," said Tim Dyer, owner of Dyer Insurance. "Everyone wants to provide benefits for their employees. I think we try to do a good job doing that, but when you do get a 20 to 30 percent rate increase for your healthcare costs that adds up to a half an employee, whole employee. How do you give raises?"
But, where does the congressman go from here?
"We take it back to Washington and sit down with our staff and compile, if we had one thing that keeps coming up four or five or six times, we know it's a priority," said Congressman David McKinley (R-WV). "We better come up with something. Then we meet with the chairman of the committee or the appropriate subcommittee and we talk about, 'This is what's happening in West Virginia.'"