
Charleston Gazette: WV delegation cool to Obama's coalfield plan

By Ken Ward, Jr. July 11, 2015

“Coal miners and other workers are being hurt by factors beyond their control, whether it’s regulations or market forces,” McKinley said when that bill was introduced. “It’s only fair that we do something to help these struggling families.”

When asked about McKinley’s position on the Power Plus Plan, spokesman Greg Dolan said McKinley supports it, but “with a big caveat.”

“Power Plus encourages the administration to continue to move forward with regulations that are devastating the mining industry and the communities that depend on it,” Dolan said. “Rather than create a program that offers a PR talking point to distract from the thousands of people losing their jobs, the EPA should support energy and environment policies that take advantage of our resources — which will lead to economic growth, a more reliable grid, and more West Virginia jobs.”

--Read the full article here--