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Chaffetz Vote for NDAA Helps Equalize Survivor Benefits

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Washington, May 19, 2016 | comments
Disparities in survivor benefits for military reserve members (including the National Guard) are rectified in the National Defense Authorization bill, which passed the House last night.

Rep. Chaffetz supported the authorization, which included a number of significant provisions for Utah and for the men and women who defend our freedom. At the request of Rep. Chaffetz, language from his H.R. 2053, The Military Survivor Benefit Equity Act, was incorporated into Section 624 of the bill. The provision equalizes the survivor benefits between those killed while on Active Duty and those killed on Inactive Duty.

“In the unfortunate event someone dies in the service of their country, the family of the fallen should be compensated the same whether that person was Active Duty military or a member of the Reserve on Inactive Duty training status,” said Chaffetz. “It’s the least we can do for the men and women who put their lives on the line for our protection.”

The broader NDAA legislation provides resources critical to the restoration of military readiness that has been compromised by this administration. The United States remains a target of terrorists around the world and we cannot afford to jeopardize the greatest military on the face of the planet.

Other Significant Provisions of NDAA:

Authorizes funds for military equipment including helicopters, ships, surveillance drone development and more.
Provides a 2.1% pay raise for our troops.
Funds additional Army personnel.
Overhauls the military medical care system, providing better care for our troops.
Restores the shortfall in the Pentagon’s base budget.
Precludes the administration from closing the Guantanamo Bay prison.
Blocks BLM efforts to implement federal sage grouse management plans in Utah and elsewhere.
Promotes the military’s cyber unit to a standalone war fighting entity.

Background: The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2017 is the vehicle by which Congress funds the military and upholds its Constitutional obligation to “provide for the common defense.” This legislation is critical to maintaining America’s military readiness.

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